Chapter 2.13

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Ellie was trembling from head to toe. The man that was the reason behind the death of Harry and her's parents was standing in front of her. The man whose betrayal had cost not one but two lives gone in a night time. She backed away until she hit a solid figure, a body, she realised, the body of her brother to be precise. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist to support her, afraid that she'd lose her footing at any moment. The now known werewolf felt his heart broke a little seeing his goddaughter, whom was fueled with undying spirit just moments ago, shaking to her very core, making her look far younger than she really was. Approaching the two siblings, he started carefully, "Somebody did betray your parents, Harry, but it wasn't him."

"Who was it then?"challenged the older Potter, but his answer came in a voice barely louder than a whisper from beside him.

"Pettigrew." Turning to the man in ragged Azkaban robes, Ellie pressed on, "He's not dead, isn't he?"

The man grinned, showing his rotten teeth, and for a second, Ellie thought that he looked rather proud, but of what she was unsure. He took tentative steps toward her, and Harry immediately stepped forward, shielding his sister from the mass murderer. Black paid no attention to the older Potter, and kept his gaze at the younger one instead. "Clever, aren't you, baby girl?"

Ellie opened her mouth to retort. Admittedly, the pet name was rather adorable, but coming from a mass murderer, it gave the completely different vibe to Ellie, a vibe that she didn't appreciate. Her words, however, hung on the tip of her tongue as another man entered the room and disarmed her godfather with a malicious look on his face. Ellie hadn't thought that it was possible for Severus Snape looking to look even more sickening, but there he stood with a mad glint in his eyes and a twisted smirk on his face, he proved Ellie wrong.

"Vengeance is sweet," drawled the potion master as he held Black at his wand point, "I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."


"I told Dumbledore you're helping an old friend into the castle," he said to the other wizard, cutting the man short. The corner of his mouth turned devilishly as Remus put his hands up in surrender. "And now here's the proof."

"Brilliant, Snivellus," taunted Black, a rather foolish move in Ellie's mind. "Once again you put your keen and penetrating mind into the task, and as usual you come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to-"

"Give me a reason, I begged you," Professor Snape interrupted the man and pointed his wand straight to his chest. Seeing how quickly things escalated, Remus stepped in, hoping to achieve some peace between the two old rivals. "Severus, don't be a fool-"

"He can't help it, it's habit by now," jested Black, making Ellie wanted to slap him hard. He's in the deep already and he wasn't making things any easier for anyone in the room. Her desperation seemed to be shared by her godfather as he snapped, "Sirius, be quiet!"

"Be quiet yourself, Remus!" Black snapped back harshly.

With his wand still pointed at the convict, the potion master mused mockingly, "Listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple."

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?" said Black, once again jesting Snape, as Ellie felt her brother pulled her slightly. Giving her a knowing look, Harry silently pushed his sister behind her at gripped his wand tight, motioning his sister to do the same. Ellie complied with his command without a word, and kept silent as her head of house carried on threatening Black. Tuning out the quarrel happening in front of her, she tried to get her gears to work. To her, the situation made completely no sense, yet it explains everything. Black was charged for the murder of twelve muggles and one wizard, all at the same time, single handedly. Yet, here he was, standing in front of her looking nothing like a murderer, despite the mad and haunting look on his face and his robes of imprisonment. To be fair, anyone would look as mad as he was if they were thrown into a cell surrounded by dementors for twelve years, if not madder. If he really was capable of the killings he was charged for, surely he would be able to end Harry's life with a flick of his wrist, but why hadn't he?

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