Chapter 5.17

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It was, by far, the hardest, longest, stair she had ever gone down. Every step felt like a step closer to the gallows instead of her brother and friends, even with her godfathers on her heels. All three Gryffindors were seated on the couched, lost in what seemed to be a heated conversation, when she reached the landing. She cleared her throat, and three pair of eyes went straight to her. Remus muttered something about getting a cuppa and dragged Sirius with him to the kitchen. The traitors. 

To her surprise, it was Granger who stood up first. For someone who was tortured to death just a day ago, she seemed remarkably well. When Granger looped her arms around Ellie's neck, she couldn't be anymore fazed. She patted the older girl's back like she was trying to damp a fire on Granger's sweater.

"Thank you for saving our lives," said Granger almost breathlessly as she pulled away. Ellie managed to nod once, even if she was unsure of her footing.

It was Ron who came to her next. She wouldn't say he was scared per se, but there was something in his gait that didn't seem right. Running a hand through his mess of ginger locks, he cursed, "Merlin's balls, you scared the living shite out of me. It was- you were off your rockers. I thought you'd die in my arms."

"That's- well, I don't know what to say to that," admitted Ellie. She looked around the room and found herself wondering, "Where's Dobby?"

"He didn't make it."

The sound of her brother's voice quivered her nerves. The months separating them had never felt more tangible. The weight of the war had changed them both, and she wasn't sure whether he was still the same Harry as she had always known when they were growing up on Privet Drive, or was he Harry Potter, the boy who lived. She willed herself to steady as she faced him, nonetheless.

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"What for?"

"Harry," warned Granger.

Ignoring the Gryffindor witch, he trudged on, "What are you sorry for, Ellie? Do you know what it's like to be on the run not knowing whether or not your only sister is alive? Do you know what it's like to not have a single clue on how to make sure you're safe and sound?"

Shaking her head, she whispered, "That's not fair."

"I checked the map every damn night, Ellie!" He flung out said map to her feet. Harry was seething, of that she was sure. "Every night, I thought that maybe you'd found a way to go to Hogwarts, maybe you'd found a way to get a leverage out of your house or something. Do you know what it's to see the names of so many people on it except yours?"

She took the map, appearing to be no more than a yellowing piece of parchment. Handing it to Ron, she made her way towards the kitchen where her godfathers were trying so hard not too look they had been eavesdropping.

"Everything alright, Elle?"

Merlin bless him, Remus really knew how to make things nonchalant. "I'm ready to go."

None of them wasted anymore second after that, and with Sirius in his animagus form, they left the cottage altogether - leaving behind the small subset of what remains of the order, though Ellie felt like she was left some more in that cottage. They made it a little towards the beach when Ron called after them. Turning around, Ellie waited until Ron caught up with them. She meant what she said to her godfathers earlier. She was so damn tired

"Don't hold it against him, Ellie, " said Ron, a hand running through his mess of red hair which made Ellie think it's past time for him to get a haircut. "You know he means well. He's really worried about you. He wasn't lying about the map, either. I've watched him staring at it all through the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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