Chapter 1.2

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After a long day in Diagon Alley, the Weasleys and the Potters returned to the Burrow for dinner and last minute packing, for they will be leaving for King's Cross Station first thing in the morning. At eight in the evening, Harry was all set with his trunk, so he left the room he shared with Ron and headed to Ginny's room, where Ellie was bunked in. He knocked lightly on the door and let himself in, knowing perfectly well that Ellie was alone in the room since Ginny was downstairs with the rest of the Weasleys.

"Need some help?"

Ellie did not turn from where she was folding her clothes, causing her brother to knit his eyebrows together. He walked closer to her, and saw a small frown on her face.

"Ellie, what's wrong?"

Ellie said nothing as she shook her head, not wanting to worry her brother for such a silly thought. Sighing, Harry took the shirt she was folding from her. "Ellie, you know you can tell me anything."

"What if I'm not in Gryffindor like you? I'm nowhere near as brave as you are, Harry."

If he was being honest, he had not thought of it before. Ron had told him that all of his brothers, even the ones who had graduated from Hogwarts, were all sorted into Gryffindor. Naturally, he had assumed that she would be to, just like him. Nevertheless, he remembered what Hermione had told him before, about how blood does not define the house you got sorted into. Now that he thought about it, there might be a pair of twins in his year who got sorted into different houses. Pulling her into a hug, he told her sincerely, "Then you'll make new friends in your own house."

"But you never told me about the other houses," said Ellie with a voice that was barely a louder than a whisper. It was then Harry understood. All of his stories about Hogwarts were always about the Gryffindors. 

"Well, umm, to be honest, I don't really know people from other houses. Except for the Slytherin, but they weren't that nice, so nevermind them," said Harry to his little sister. He kissed her forehead, reassuring her. "Besides, it's not like I'll abandon you if you're not a Gryffindor," he continued as he tickled her, causing her to burst into laughter. He then told her that the wizard they saw in the bookstore earlier that day would be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He even went as far as telling her the awkward moment he had when he was forced to take a picture with their professor, causing her to laughed at his face. Sure, he'd preferred for Ellie to not know about it since she'd make him remember it for the rest of his life, but the laugh that came from her was so genuine, he didn't regret telling her. As long as she's happy, Harry was fine by it.

By ten o'clock, Ginny had retired into the room, mumbling an almost audible goodnight before she plopped herself to her bed. Taking it as his cue to leave, Harry told his sister to go to bed. Just as he was about to stood up, Ellie caught his wrist. "Harry, can I tell you something?"

"Always, Ellie," he replied absentmindedly as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I don't think Ginny likes me that much," she half whispered to him, afraid that the said girl would hear her. Chuckling softly, Harry just shook his head before kissing her forehead and stood up. "Don't dwell on your own thoughts too much. Goodnight, Ellie."


The ride to King's Cross Station wasn't as smooth as Ellie had imagined. They had to go back and forth to the Burrow at least five times before they could finally head straight to the station for the Weasley kids kept forgetting something. They made it just in the nick of time, with a quarter hour to spare before the train leaves at eleven, sharp. As they reached the wall separating platform 9 and 10, Mrs. Weasley began separating them into small groups.

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