Chapter 2.5

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"What do you want?" Ellie spat at the three boys whom were blocking her way to the Great Hall with her arms crossed and her stare as cold as a winter night. She had told Harry to go on in and that she would be fine being held back by the three knuckleheads as Adrian was also there. At least someone would be there to restrain the boys.

"Ellie, please, we're sorry. We really are, alright?" Theo pleaded at her, "We were being jerks to your brother last night and we should've known better bout how much you care about him."

Ellie considered what the boy had said, and by the look of it, he was sincere enough. For the past year she had the privilege of getting to know the boy that soon became her best friend, she knew sorry wasn't his favourite word, nor was it for the other two Slytherins, but she didn't want to let all three of them go with only one apologising. She nodded curtly at Theo, but kept her cold glare at the boys. Shuffling his feet slightly, Blaise piped up next. "And I'm sorry I did nothing about it."

Once again, she nodded curtly before landing her glare at the blonde boy whom was standing furthest from her. For once in his life, Draco Malfoy couldn't find it in him to feel superior against his peers. He wouldn't admit it, but he had definitely had a soft spot in his heart for the youngest Potter. Swallowing his pride, he stepped forward and grabbed the girl by the shoulder, surprising all the other four Slytherins and even caused Ellie to squeak a little, before embracing her in a bear hug.

"I'm really sorry, Ellie," he murmured into her hair in a voice only barely louder than a whisper so that only she would hear him. Ellie hesitated in hugging him back, which was an odd thing to witness since usually she was the one tackling the boys with her embrace. Draco pulled away with a slight frown on his face. It was then he knew that he was in the deep. He went too far and of course a simple I'm sorry wouldn't cut it. "Ellie, please?"

Ellie didn't say anything to him, she merely held her glare at the blonde Slytherin. The boy let out a heavy breath before adding, "I'm a jerk, okay? There, I said it. I was being a jerk last night to Po- to your brother, and I'm sorry. Ellie, please don't stay mad at me."

Ellie managed to crack a smile after the boy's desperate plead. Granted, admitting himself was being a jerk was satisfactory enough for Ellie. Turning her head to the eldest boy, she asked with a sly smirk on her face, "How much did you pay them to apologise to me?"

Adrian who was leaning against the stone wall of the hall shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Just the twat's spot as a chaser was enough."

Ellie was slightly confused at his remark. Surely, being a valuable chaser in the team does not give you the right to threaten other's position, she thought to herself. That was before she realised the the small pin that was safely secured onto Adrian's robes gleaming slightly under the light. Beaming like the sun, she gave him a mock salute. "O Captain! My Captain!"

"That I am," Adrian said with a laugh as he returned the salute. He pushed himself off of the wall and draped and arm over her shoulders as he guided her into the Great Hall for breakfast, ignoring the odd stares they received from everyone except the other three boys whom were hot on their heels. "I don't have to look for a new seeker, do I?"

"Like hell! Finally we will play things right!"

"Help me tonight with try outs?"

Ellie grinned a grin that would give the cheshire cat a run for his money. Not only did her best friend became the captain of the Quidditch team, he had secured her position as seeker. She knew then and there that her second year in the team would be far better than her first. "Sure thing, Captain."


After breakfast that morning, Ellie was off to Ancient Runes with Theo while Draco and Blaise were off to Arithmancy. Much to her dismay, she was graced by the presence of none other than Hermione Granger in the class. At least Theo was with her, so she would have a friend for the period. The class was going rather slow, as most of the students were quite new to the language. Professor Babbling introduced them to the basics of it and gave them several short passages to translate for the remaining of the class. With her textbook sprawled open on her desk to her aids, Ellie grabbed a piece of parchment to write her translations on. Within the next fourty minutes, Ellie was done with her passages and was the first to hand in her work to the professor. Professor Babbling scanned her work for a while before looking up at her. "Miss Potter, I think you've a talent in this subject. Remind me again, you're supposed to be a second year, no?"

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