Chapter 3.10

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Walking back towards the warmth of the stone walls of Hogwarts with her hands in her pockets, Ellie felt like she's been in the forest forever. She now understood all the things which had happened to her, things which no one could or would explain to her, save for Xenyk. She didn't know why he would explain all that to her so willingly, and she didn't even know why she trusted him so easily. She barely knew the boy, yet, somehow she felt like he would be the ally she needed. But everything she had learned from the boy was just the beginning of a very complicated world, though she didn't have to think about it right now, for she had a very blonde boy with grey eyes she needed to give a lesson to. Taking two steps at a time, she marched back into her full house common room, banged the door open, and stood tall, even though she's barely 5'2", in the midst of all. Her dramatic entrance earned herself some weird looks from her housemates, but young Eleanor Lily Potter just had to pull all the strings and set the spotlight straight to her when she lifted her wand and turn a box of badge that was being held by Pansy Parkinson into a pile of burned dust without muttering a word.

"Wear that badge again and it'll be your head that I burn."

And as her robes sweep the air, the Slytherin part like the Red Sea when she turned to her dorm and marched up straight. No one dared to move, not even to let out a breath. No one, but three boys who gave a blonde boy their very best hooks before running after the girl. Most of the Slytherin house abandoned their common room and left for the cheerier part of the castle, or anywhere else without the young Potter and her thunder, but four boys stayed behind. They called out the young Potter's name times and times again, even went as far as throwing things at her door just to annoy her so that she would come out, but it seemed like Eleanor Potter was trying to prove how much of her mother's daughter she was by being just as headstrong as her mother was, if not more.

Dropping to the empty couch, the boy with jet black hair smacked the blonde boy's head whom was seating on the floor in front of the couch. "Now you've done it, Draco."

"Shut it, Blaise," grumbled the blonde boy as he stared pensively at the crackling fire. He could not understand why he felt that way. He knew all along that Eleanor Potter, despite of her blood, was someone special. Someone he held dear, even if he couldn't explain why. Yet, why he kept hurting her, he didn't know. He wished he could go back to when they were alone sitting on the piano, singing a children's lullaby, and freeze the moment forever. He had never felt happier, or as whole as he was. It was like he had found the missing piece of his small heart, like a lost sister found. He never knew how lonely he was, being an only child, until he had her in the Manor. He wished he could have something like that forever, and in the back of his mind, he wandered, if what was going on was merely a sibling's feud. Holding on to that sliver rope of hope, he stood up and told his friends, "Maybe we should leave her be."

As if that day was just not his best, he just had to say it right as the young Potter opened her dormitory door. Slamming her door close, she strutted towards the four boys, whom had just jumped five feet in the air, and spatted, "Are you really that thick, Draco?"


"Moony!" screamed the young Potter as her dark coffee brown ponytail sweep the cold Scottish air. The lanky figure of a man a few feet in front of her stopped his day stroll and turned around with the biggest and brightest smile he ever had all month long.

"Would you look at that, my favourite goddaughter!" said the ex-professor as he welcomed his goddaughter with open arms, "I see you're inheriting your father's likeness of the secret passage."

"I'm your only goddaughter."

"And that makes you my favourite," said the ex-professor as he playfully flicked her nose. Faking a frawn, the young Potter let her godfather throw his lanky arm around her and pulled her close to his side as he led them stroll down the village lane. Looking up to the tall man walking next to her, Ellie smiled and asked, "So what brings you here, Moony?"

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