Chapter 1.13

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"Ha- Harry?"

Ellie's voice was harsh and croaked, as if it hadn't been used for far too long, but it was enough to stir her older brother from his slumber. He groggily peered through his spectacles to see her half awake, and immediately he jumped off of the chair he was on and rushed to carefully hug her, as if she was a delicate porcelain doll that would break if handled with too much force. "Ellie, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," he muttered into her hair.


"I'm sorry, Ellie. I'm really sorry," muttered Harry, neglecting Ellie's attempt to stop him. He kept muttering his apologies into her hair, keeping her in his arms for as long as Ellie could take it before she pulled away and looked deep into her brother's emerald green eyes which glistened as tears were threatening to roll down his cheeks. "Harry, apologise one more time and you'll be on the bed next to mine."

Harry couldn't stop the chuckle that came out of his mouth as he wiped the tears that had escaped his eyes with the back of his hand. "Trust Eleanor Potter to threat someone whilst laying on a hospital bed."

Ellie rolled her eyes at him as she mumbled some very colourful and profound choice of words. Harry then get on the bed and sat next to her. He wrapped his hands around her and pulled her back to his chest, almost like he was trying to cradle her, something he ought ot do to her whenever she was having a nightmare when they were younger. Even from a young age, he was always protective over her. Resting his chin on top of her head, he sighed contently, glad that he had his baby sister back in one piece.

"Ah, Eleanor. How are you feeling, my dear?" said the headmaster as he entered the hospital wing, making the two siblings to loosen their hold of each other slightly, but weren't to bothered to completely be apart of each other. "Exhausted. Professor," said Ellie as the headmaster took a seat on the chair Harry was on moments prior. "What happened back then, sir?"

With an uneasy expression on his face, the white bearded wizard let out a heavy sigh. "Eleanor, what's the last thing you remembered?"

"I was walking down the hall with Adrian. We were heading out to the- the match! Wait, I missed it, didn't I? Who won? Oh Salazar, don't tell me those rowdy eagles got the cup!"

Dumbledore had to try his best not to burst out laughing there and then as he watched the youngest Potter sibling shot up from her place, only to be restrained by her older brother. "Relax, Eleanor. The cup was cancelled-"

"What?!" Ellie exclaimed, cutting the headmaster short, as if it was the most preposterous thing she had ever heard in her short life. "Ellie, maybe hold the quidditch talk after the professor's explanation, yeah?" said Harry to her in a whisper.

"Sorry," said Ellie sheepishly. The headmaster, however, was rather amused by her enthusiasm. "Just like your father, Quidditch before anything else. It's quite amusing really. Now, where were we? Ah yes, you were walking down the hall, and then?"

"Right. I told Adrian I needed to go to the loo. All I could remember hearing a voice, like someone was speaking to me."

"And what did they tell you?"

"I think they were calling for me, but I'm not sure. I'm not even sure why I followed that voice," Ellie said, as her face contorted slightly. She realised now how foolish it was of her to follow a stranger's voice. She tried to recall whatever memory that would follow up after the event, yet she could remember nothing else. "That's as much as I could remember."

"Eleanor, that voice used to belong to a Basilisk," said Dumbledore with a steady voice, although the glint in his eyes almost gave him away. To be truth, he had never wished for the young witch in front of him to suffer such fate, neither did he wished for the fate that was bestowed upon her brother. After all, they were merely children who should worry about nothing but their exams and homeworks. Funny how life worked. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the greatest wizard alive - some would argue, a wizard that had defeated Gellert Grindelwald in the first wizarding war, feared by none other than Lord Voldemort himself, couldn't save two children from the most terrible fate anyone could wish for.

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