Chapter 4.10

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Many of the Hogwarts students thought that the Slytherin common room was the short straw of all four. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws got their towers which overlooked to the magnificently breathtaking scenery of Scotland. They were high enough to see the endless landscape, but not too high as to not be able who is who from up there. True, it was magical when it snowed, like the tower was straight out of a story book - sitting on the window bay, peering out as the snowflakes dance their way down from the sky. The mornings must had also been mesmerizing with the soft orange glow peeked through the curtains, lighting the wooden floor of the dorm, as it slowly reached the foot of the bed, then the walls, and eventually the whole room as it gradually turned to bright yellow and waking the students from their slumber. True, the Slytherin common room was not the only room that was not placed on a tower, the Hufflepuff common room suffer from the same fate, but it was full of warmth and greenery that it actually felt like an underground green house. The Hufflepuffs did not live under the ground, of course, just not at high story. They still got the sun peering into their common room, and dorm rooms in just the right amount to make the place warm and welcoming. They also had the joy of always feeling like they were at their grandparents' place with all the smell of cookies being baked traveled from the kitchen through the entrance of their common room. The whole place just smelled like home. So perhaps the students had won 3 out of 4 arguments, but it was partially because the Slytherins never bothered with such trivial matter. Although, not all Slytherins were the same, and one exception came in the form of Eleanor Lily Potter.

She would be lying if she was not jealous of the common room and dorm room her brother had, but she would not be truthful either if she said she did not enjoy her own. True, her common room might be placed beneath the Black Lake, and exactly zero amount of sunlight had ever reached her dorm, but Ellie put no mind to it. She loved how the ripples of the water causes dancing shadows on the stone floor, or how the light was absorbed through the body of water and reflected on the glass dome in the common room. Sometimes, she would even spot the Giant Squid swimming above her head, or the merepeople with their spears - although not in a very friendly manner, some of them would offer her a small smile. Anyone who would thought of it as eerie was a fool, thought Ellie, as it was the most calming sight to see, especially after a hectic day. As for her dorm, it was filled with cozy beds covered in white cotton sheets, paired with dark green blankets made of wool. The room was illuminated by candles in every corner, making the room cozy enough without it being too bright. 

The DA had been a great addition to her days, it kept her mind of quidditch completely, and it gave her something to do, other than revising her school material over and over and over again. However, the DA member came from all houses, and really all of them, considering now that two Slytherins were a part of it too, and with different houses, came different schedules. They would be lucky if Harry could fit a lesson or two in a week, but Ellie did not mind. Anything was better than nothing at all. Lately, she found herself enjoying the quietness the common room provided, as the Christmas break was fast approaching, and she knew quiet would not be found in where she would be during the break. She would sit by the fireplace, a book in her hands, reading the books that Xenyk had lent her. Most of them were in Russian, but she had learnt the language over time. They were his old school books, the ones he had taken with him when he moved to England. They were fascinating, to say the least, as they explained magic in a whole different perspective, a perspective that Hogwarts had thread far too lightly. Too engrossed into her book, Ellie jumped from her seat when she heard the door to the common room swung open. Squinting her eyes slightly, she realised it was only her head of house. Setting her book aside, she approached the man, "Professor?"

"Miss Potter," greeted the potion master with a slight frown on his face, "Why are you up this early in the morning?"

"It's the last few mornings I have to myself in the common room before Christmas break, Sir," informed the young Potter to her Head of House earnestly before adding, "Sir, with all due respect, why are you here this early in the morning?"

The potion master did not bother to answer her question as he scanned around the room, looking for something that was not quite there, before finally landing his gaze "Where are the other students?"

"In their dorms. No one is usually down here this early in the morning when there's no class."

He nodded once at her before turning to the door, beckoning her with his hand as he made for the door. Ellie did not dare to question her head of house, he was quite a scarry one, and followed him straight to the potion classroom. He closed the door behind her, and motioned for her to sit on the desk in at the front of the class, and so she did. Standing in front of the desk she was sitting on, he drawled, "Last night, your brother had a vision that had unfortunately happened to Mr. Weasley. Your brother is, as of now, no longer in the castle, along with the other Weasleys."

'"Which Weasley, Sir?"

"Arthur Weasley."

Letting out a weary breath, the young Potter did not bother to hide her disappointment as she knew where the conversation was going, "I am guessing that I am to stay put with the rest of the students until Christmas break comes around."

"I know this may not favour you, but we cannot raise any suspicions now that the Ministry is watching us."

Nodding understandingly, she asked, "Will Harry be back at the castle?"

"He will remain where he already is," stated her head of house, with a pointed look to her, pressing on the his words to imply the location of her brother, which did not go amiss by her, "Seeing as the break would start in a couple of days."

"Thank you for telling me, Professor."

Severus Snape, as much as he hated to admit it, felt pity towards the girl sitting in front of him. Funny how he could pity the girl so easily yet hated her brother with every fibre in his body. The fact that she did not resemble her father at first glance played a major factor in that, and the fact that he saw her as a second chance to fix what was left of his friendship with her mother also helped. Waving his wand in the air, he conjured a wooden stool and placed it on the floor, so that he was sitting front to front with his pupil. "Miss Potter, do understand that no one favoured one or another in this situation. Your brother was merely tangled in the centre."

"It's alright, Sir. He's Harry Potter. Getting tangled is kind of his thing," joked Ellie humourlessly, not knowing how to react otherwise towards the softness in the professor's voice. She had gotten so used to his stern voice, drawls, and sneers, that she sometimes forgot he was after all, just a man who had probably gone tough one too many trouble in his life, but a man nonetheless. "Sir, I know I've asked this before, but I need to know more, what was my mother like? I've hear plenty about my father, but not enough of her."

"She was the best kind of friend that I have ever the pleasure of knowing," said the potion master after a second of silence. There was a glint in his eyes that Ellie could not quite decipher, but she did not press on, "I don't know what to tell you, Miss Potter, other than she must have been so proud of the person you are today. If I had known a way to prevent her death-"

"She'd forgive you either way, Sir," cut Ellie shortly, not wanting to upset her professor, although her words seemed to do exactly just that, so she quickly added, "I'm sorry, I just meant that she would forgive you whether or not you managed to keep her alive."

It was everything that the man had ever needed to hear. She'd forgive you either way. How he hoped it was of a different context, in a different time. He could not help but to think back on how it all started, when hiss friendship with a lovely redheaded girl turned into a downward spiral. Forgiveness was all he needed, the lack of it was his curse, the curse he had to live with for the rest of his lonely life. He could only blame James Potter as much as blamed himself. James Potter was the reason he lost his best friend, but it was also he whom called her something that he had swore would never call her. Seeing her child in front of him, saying kind words towards him felt like a gift, yet a torture at the same time - a cruel reminder that she was not able to say it herself. As he could not take it anymore, he stood up and told her, "I think breakfast will be served in a few minutes, you should join your friends."

"Have a good day, Professor."

The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin