Chapter 3.4

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"Ellie, you're sitting with me," called Harry over his shoulder to his little sister as he dragged his trunk through the aisle.


"Ellie, just, please? I- wait," he said as he stopped abruptly, "Okay?"

With her face as emotionless as ever, Ellie gave him a curt nod. "Okay."

Stopping abruptly and almost causing Ron to crash chest first to him, the older Potter turned around and look straight into his sister's eyes. "Who are you? And what did you do to my sister?"

"Don't be stupid, Harry. We're blocking the way," said Ellie with no consideration whatsoever about her brother as she pushed through him, "Come on, this one seems empty."

Turning to his best mate, Harry was only met by a doubtful shrug, and so he followed his sister into the compartment and helped her stowed her trunk away. He noticed that his sister had been different lately, but he just couldn't put a finger to it. The Ellie that he knew was a sweetheart, but she wasn't one who would go down without a fight in anything, and he meant anything. He once had to reason with her for an entire hour on why she couldn't take his wand and wave it around during the summer. Turning to the girl who could do almost anything, he pleaded with his eyes to his best friends, but she merely shook her mouth.

She's your sister, she mouthed to him. With a sigh, he carefully approached his sister, "Ellie, are you okay?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" she told him with a solemn smile, but he knew better than to believe her right away. Arching an eyebrow at his little sister, he managed to dig a little deeper.

"I miss Moony and Padfoot," she told him with a sigh, "Can you imagine being raised by them? Must've been cool."

Harry never though that such a simple sentence could break his heart, apparently he had thought wrong. He scooted closer to his sister and wrapped his arm around her small frame, but was beaten by two identical voices.

"Are we not cool enough for you, little Elle?"

Turning her head towards the door of the compartment, she was met with two identical goofy smiles belonging to the red headed twins. Smiling fondly to herself, she had to admit that they had gotten better over the summer. Sure, she had spent the last few days with them, but she hadn't had the chance to really appreciate how they had changed over the summer. If she must, she'd say all the chores Mrs. Weasley made them do toned their already beaters built body.

"The coolest," she told them with a cheeky smile. "Whatcha up to, boys?"

"A little thank you gift for our favourite Slytherin," said the younger twin as he pulled out a small box in green wrapped with silver ribbon. He handed the small box to the younger Potter's hand, and blushed slightly when their fingers grazed each other's. Clearing his throat, the older twin saved his brother from embarrassment, "And when we finally have our own shop, we'll make sure to have a section dedicated to you."

"Aww, you two are too soft," said Ellie as she patted both of their cheeks, which earned herself a pair of very insulted s offs from the twins.

"Hey! We are not soft-"

"-We are merely gentlemen."

Rolling her eyes, she waved them off, "Sure you are. Now be off my knights! This train needs a little chaos that only thou could doth!"

With a tip of their non-existent hat, the twins left the compartment, but not without a subtle wink from George that made the cheeks of the youngest Potter tinted rosy slightly. Opening the silver box in her hands, Ellie let out her first genuine laugh of the day as the compartment was filled with confetti.

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