Chapter 4.11

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Going home for Christmas break, Ellie raised quite a handful of questions from her friends, especially when they knew that she was not spending it with Draco. She was not known to voluntarily go home during the breaks, the only time she had gone home was the one time she went to the Malfoys. She could not possibly tell them where she was going, but knowing her friends, they would pry on her, and pry they did. She was ever thankful when Xenyk came up with an excuse that she was visiting his home, and that they would apparate straight from the platform to his house. It was only a half lie, so she only felt half bad. They were to apparate straight from the platform to Grimmauld Place, since Xenyk was of age, and the order had to take care of the attack on Mr. Weasley.

So apparate straight to Grimmauld Place they did. They opened the front door as silently as they could, as to not raise any alarm - especially not to wake Walburga Black, but there really was no need for that, since no one seemed to watch the door. Sharing a look, they made for the stairs, and it was then when Ellie got a glimpse of the dining room and saw Mr. Weasley surrounded by the inhabitants of Grimmauld Place. Smiling to herself, she climbed up the stairs and head towards her bedroom. After he dropped his trunk in his room, Xenyk popped into the young Potter's room to keep her company, and thank Merlin that he did seeing as nobody seemed to realised the two had arrived until well before dinner.

It was Mrs. Weasley who knocked on their door and welcomed them home for the first time since they got back. The three of them descended the stairs and joined the rest of the Weasleys, along with Harry, Sirius, and Remus. Everyone seemed to be in a cheerful mood, even Ginny was oddly nice to Ellie, smiling instead of glaring at her like the youngest Weasley usually would, everyone except her own brother. He was smiling, laughing along with his friends, but there was something that almost seemed hollow from his eyes. When Ellie asked about it, Harry merely smiled at her and told her he was just worried about Mr. Weasley. She knew it was a lie, she knew she could just use legilimency against him, but it would not feel right, so she dropped it, for now.

Ellie was in the twins' room, making more jokes and pranks for their upcoming shop, when she heard her godfather calling for her, "Elle, could you come down for a minute?"

She wasted no time in bolting down the stairs, only stopping once she realised that Remus had his coat on. Cocking an eyebrow, she asked, "Aren't you staying?"

"I have somewhere to go, but don't worry about that," explained Remus as he handed his goddaughter a small box, neatly wrapped with brown paper, "I may not make it back for Christmas, so I want to give your gift."

"Moony, where are you going?" pressed Ellie as she took the gift from her godfather.

"I have something to do for the order."

"Take me with you," said Ellie. It wasn't a request, it was a statement. Her godfather was looking a little worn out, no doubt that Dumbledore had been overtaxing him.


"No," cut Ellie, "I know it's the werewolves. I can handle it, you know I can,"

A small smile crept to the man's face. What he would give for his best friend to see the lovely witch she was becoming. She was just as loyal as her father was, and as determined as her mother was. Putting both hands on her shoulder, he kneeled in front of her, as if talking to a child because in a way, she was his child, "We know you can, Elle, but we can't risk you going out like that. If anything happens to you- Anyway, it used to be your father's, open it."

The young Potter was ready to fire back at her godfather, but one look at the man, and all went down the drain. How could she shot fires at the man who was the perfect embodiment of the word kind? Tearing the brown wrapping paper, she opened the small box and took out a golden snitch. Bringing it closer to her eyes for further inspection, she let out a soft chuckle as she made out the letters J.P. inscribed on it. Holding the snitch in her hand, she wrapped her arms around her godfather's torso as she mumbled against his chest, "Come back safely, Moony."

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