Chapter 3.15

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"I hope you don't mind the company," said a thick voice from behind the young Potter, which made her whipped her head faster than catching a snitch.

"Xenyk!" exclaimed the young Potter excitedly, "Meet the Weasleys. Weasleys, Xenyk."

The three Weasleys offered the boy with thick accent a wave of their hands and warm smiles, which he returned with a curt nod. Xenyk took the seat directly behind Ellie, rested his arms on his knees and leaned forward. "I see that ve haven't spoken since our meeting."

"I'm well aware, Xenyk. I've been doing my research."

Thick as his accent might be, Xenyk was not. He could see through her words that the young Potter was hiding something from him, or maybe from her friends, but he figured it was none of his business. His intention was clear, and if she had things she'd rather not share to him, it's fine by him. "How are you handling things?"

"It could've been worse," said Ellie with a shrug, trying to downplay the fact that she had learned Latin in over a night just to understand the books she had swiftly borrowed from the restricted section in the library using her brother's invisibility cloak. All those books and words and illustrations, yet she didn't get much from them. She knew what she was, she knew that she and Xenyk were not the only ones with their ability, but there was no explanation of the scope of their ability. There were no records of every possible things they could do, there were only records of the things that might be caused by their kind.

"Is there something that we need to know, Elle?" asked the older twin as his older brother hunch kicked in. Smiling as sweet as she could with her heart racing faster than a horse, the young Potter shook her head, "Just a little thing Xenyk and I are working on, Freddie."

"But you'd tell us if you need anything, right?" confirmed the younger twin, worry etched on his face, but the young Potter seemed to brush it off as quickly as she caught a snitch. "Of course, Georgie."

Before anyone said anything else, Ellie turned and faced the maze. She watched as his brother was being escorted by their DADA professor towards the entrance of the giant maze standing tall in the midst of the school quidditch field. The afternoon wasn't usually as dark during that time in the year, but that afternoon was as pitch black as midnight. Odd as it may seem, Ellie shrugged it off, tuned out whatever the white bearded headmaster said, and focused on her brother. She had to consciously stopped her tears form overflowing. Her brother was never a built boy like the Weasley twins, or even Ron, but there in front of the the maze entrance, he looked smaller and more vulnerable than she had ever seen him. He was so scared, even more scared than when Uncle Vernon threatened him with a knive. She was never a religious person, but for the nth time at the grounds of Hogwarts, she found herself praying to all things holy and great, to keep her brother safe. She prayed that the boy whom was able to love her before anyone else would come out of that maze alive and whole.

As the first canon boomed, Ellie darted her eyes to the Hufflepuff champion. Catching the champion's eyes, she smiled to him and wished him luck. Cedric certainly caught it and winked at her, letting her know he got her well wishes. For a second, she felt her cheeks warmed ever so slightly, and hoped George didn't notice it. Adverting her gaze back at her brother, she noticed how he hadn't looked at the audience since he stood in front of the maze, not even at Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley, and Bill whom he had talked with just hours ago. As the second canon boomed, Ellie watched her brother took tentative steps towards the maze until she could see him no more.

With the dark afternoon sky looming above her head, Ellie watched the maze in total silence, waiting for something to happen. There was nothing for her to do, nothing else to see except the tall maze walls and the professors walking its perimeter, standing by for any unwanted event. In any other situation, the young Potter would happily assist the Weasley twin in causing a little mayhem just to get a single giggle that would break the cold, dead, night. That night however, not even the twins flashed their mischievous smirk. It was quite ironic how the most anticipated event of the year, well that after the World Cup, included a dull and dreadful evening.

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