Chapter 3.14

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"I was about to get you ice, but I thought cold butterbeer would- Why are you smiling like the idiot you are?" asked Fred as he threw the bottle of cold butterbeer to his twin brother's stomach. Grabbing the butterbeer the older twin had thrown, George sat up and raised his eyebrows suggestively. Sipping on his own butterbeer, Fred's eyes magnified to the size of saucers, and when his twin merely gave him a nod, Fred spat the drink straight to the floor.

"NO! Little Elle?" exclaimed the older twin in disbelief. Sure, his brother had been trying, emphasis on the word trying, to flirt and tease the girl with emerald green eyes, but so had he though in a much more platonic way. To add to the list of how George Weasley might have failed dismally in enchanting one Eleanor Potter, she rode along with all their jokes and games, as platonic with George as she was with him. Not to mention that his twin brother had been avoiding her in the most ridiculous way for the most trivial matter, at least it was trivial to him. Then again, he was not the one who drunkenly kissed a girl at the expense of a broken heart. "No! You're joking."

When he was met with a smug smile from his twin, Fred's jaw dropped to the floor. "What happened to you treating her like shite?"

"I'm not proud of it," answered George as he took a gulp of the cold butterbeer in his hand, "but I told her."

Humming along, the older twin took a sip of his own drink. "Angie?"

The younger twin nodded in approval. Sitting down, next to his twin, Fred threw an arm around George's shoulders, "Little Elle. Huh, she never ceases to amuse me."

"That Freddie, is the magic of Eleanor Potter," said George with a faraway look in his eyes. Fred studied the look on his brother's face and couldn't help but foresaw what would lay in the near future for dear Georgie. Finishing his butterbeer in one gulp, he smacked his lip and put a coy smile on his face. "So, when are you going to tell her brother."

"Ah, fuck."


"The snake pit no longer entertaining?"

"Georgie, I'm studying," answered the young Potter without taking her eyes off of the book she was reading, not that her words meant anything to the very persistent Weasley.

"Where are your friends?"

"I'm not exactly on speaking terms with Draco, and I don't want to take the other boys away from him," said Ellie nonchalantly as she flipped the yellowing page of the book, not at all bothered to stop for even a moment, "So here I am sitting in a library."

"Well thank Merlin that you'll be saved from boredom by my gorgeous face."

Rolling her eyes, she mumbled under her breath, "Obnoxious, you mean."

"Don't be such a Granger," teased the Weasley twin as he grabbed the book the young Potter was reading and snapped it shut. Bringing the book close to his face, he took a look at the spine, which was apparently written in latin. He should've known, only Eleanor Potter would be reading textbooks in a language she had not yet learned, or at least he presumed she hadn't considering there weren't any subjects being taught in latin. "Do you even understand it?"

Grabbing the book back from the older boy, Ellie huffed, "Why are you here, Georgie?"

"I feel stupid for saying this," started the Weasley twin in a more serious manner than usual, or more like in his most serious manner he had only possessed when he was alone with the young Potter, "But I gotta ask Ellie, did we kiss?"

Eleanor Lily Potter was not, nor will she ever, be prepared for that question. Truth be told, she had been avoiding him ever since the kiss, not that it had happened too long ago. Still, it wasn't such an easy task to do when the guy you're trying to avoid was the same guy whom taught you all the secret passages and nooks you used to hide. Nonetheless, she had been quite productive with her solace, or at least that's what she preferred to call it. She'd been skimming through the books in the unrestricted area, very, very carefully, whilst hiding underneath her brother's invisibility cloak, which she may or may not have borrowed discretely from him. She had somehow taught herself enough latin to read the only book she needed to answer her questions, the very same book that George had grabbed from her. She was only thankful that the book was in latin, so that he wouldn't pick up on whatever she was diving into. Just to avoid his eyes, she busied herself with her knapsack that was lying messily under the table, "And here I thought you were sober."

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