Chapter 2.10

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"How are you feeling?" asked the Slytherin team captain timidly over his bowl of cereal to his seeker whom was picking at her toast for the past ten minutes. "Peachy. Just peachy. Not at all nervous."

"Ellie, you've never missed a snitch, you'll do fine! You always do fine!" Blaise reminded her as he picked an apple from the fruit bowl, to which Ellie growled at. From her left, Theo shoved a banana under her nose. "Eat up, little Potter. Don't want you fainting fifty feet above the ground."

Ellie took the banana from Theo's hand and nibbled at it until she felt her stomach would turn upside down. Turning to her right, she pleaded to the blonde chaser. "Draco, you play for me. I can't do it."

"Stop being stupid," he scolded her but not in an unaffectionate way. Pouring a cup of tea for her, he added, "Just eat your breakfast and you'll be fine. Chang has nothing compared to you."

"Knock her off her broom, if you must. We're Slytherins, Ellie. We play to win!" exclaimed Theo dramatically, and slightly over enthusiastically. That did the trick though, Ellie finally cracked her first smile of the day. Setting her cuppa down after taking a sip, she spoke with slightly more confidence in her voice. "Right. Knock her off. Grab the snitch."

"Right'o, kiddo," Adrian said to her with a huge grin on her face. He knew what was coming to him, but he couldn't resist it.

"I'll kill you after we win the cup, Capt," she hissed at him, only causing the four boys to laugh. Not that she wasn't intimidating, but she was just such a sweetheart.

"That's the spirit!"


"And here comes the Slytherin!" Boomed Lee Jordan, the Quidditch match commentator, as the players stepped onto the pitch. "I hate to tell you folks, but you have to admit they're getting better this year under Pucey's captainship. Must have been hard training those dungs-"


"Sorry, Professor," he said loudly on the microphone with no remorse or whatsoever to his head of house, earning himself a few laughs from the stands. "As I were saying, thank Merlin they have Potter, bout the only good thing besides their brooms, though nothing compared to Harry Potter's Firebolt-"

"JORDAN WE ARE NOT A BROOM SELLING COMPANY!" Professor McGonagall interrupted him once more. This time, Lee Jordan had the decency to look slightly sheepish. It appeared his fascination over Harry's firebolt hadn't died out yet. "Right, right. And the quaffle is off!"

Ellie couldn't bask for a better weather to fly, the sun was high in the sky with clouds splattered here and there, making it particularly easier to look up without getting blinded. The wind was minimal, so as to not knock her off course when she sped up. Ellie hovered and flew around the pitch as the game began. Dots of green and blue went pass her, and she even had to ducked the bludger a couple of times, but nothing she couldn't handle. Adrian, Draco, and Ethan, the newest addition to the house team, had managed to score fourty points by far, though the Ravenclaw wasn't that far behind. Their chasers had managed to score thirty points. At this rate, the fate of the cup rested on the Seekers alone. Neither house needed a particularly large point margin to win, so may the best seeker bring the cup home.

Ellie had to admit, she liked Adrian's captaincy better than Flint's. He managed to get the team to play fairer, well as fair as Slytherins can be. He also put on better tactics and strategies. The fact that they were not playing against the Gryffindor also helped. In the distance, Ellie noticed a speck of green in the Gryffindor stand, no doubt in her heart it was her brother. There sat Harry Potter of all people with a Slytherin beanie on his head, one that actually belonged to his sister, to show her that he supported her. Ellie smiled at the sight, and it motivated her even more to win the game. Ellie was only starting to get bored flying around when a fluttering tiny gold ball went pass her left side. Holding on tight to her broomstick, she sped up to where the snitch was. Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw seeker who was tailing her the whole time, quickly followed suit. In all honesty, Ellie was rather sick of being tailed around. She sped up, face first, toward a stand before taking a sharp, clean turn and chasing after the snitch once more.

"That must've hurt!" Ellie heard Lee Jordan announced through the microphone. Chang must had missed the turn then. "Who would've thought Potter had it in her?"

The snitch started to fly at lightning speed towards the ground, and no way in hell was Ellie to let it go when she had the advantage of her opponent slightly confounded feet away behind her. Gripping her broomstick even tighter, she dipped toward the snitch.

"DAMMIT POTTER, PULL UP BEFORE YOU BREAK YOUR NECK!" Lee Jordan screamed in full panick mode. She could even hear Professor McGonagall yelling something along the line of too daring for her own good like her father. She shrugged all the yelling and screams off. She was too close to her goal to pull back, but she was also dangerously too close to the ground. Just as the tip of her broomstick was about to graze the grass of the Quidditch pitch, she managed to snatch the snitch and enclosed it in her left hand. She jumped off her broom and rolled on the grass, leaving her broom to toppled on the grass a few times before falling down, mostly unharmed. The crowd went deadly silent, and even the players stopped mid air. They must had thought something terrible happened to her. Adrian quickly flew down to her side, and kneeled next to her. He was glad to see her chest moving, but was surprised when she handed him the snitch.

"You owe me big time, Captain," she smirked with her back still flat on the grass, her breath short. Throwing his head in laughter, he held the snitch high in the air for the crowds to see as he helped her up.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! ELEANOR POTTER, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WHAT A GREAT CATCH!" announced Lee Jordan, and the whole Slytherin house went wild. They won the cup in record time. The entire team grounded all around their captain and seeker, giving each other a round of hugs or pats on the back. Just as Madam Hooch handed the Quidditch Cup to Adrian, Ellie was swooped off of her feet by her brother. Twirling her, he yelled excitedly and rather too loudly, "THAT'S MY SISTER!"

"Harry! You're embarrassing me!" Ellie said to him through her fits of laughter. Setting her down, he kissed both of her cheeks before throwing her on his back for a piggy ride. "I don't give a flying duck! That's my sister!"

"They know, Harry! They know!" she said to him, still giggling like mad. Adrian passed the cup to her as he joined the rest of the Slytherins with a mad grin on his face.

"I can't believe it! You're bloody amazing, you are! Dad would've been so proud of you. I know I am," Harry exclaimed, still high on endorphins. With on arm around her brother's neck, and the other latching to the cup, Ellie turned her face sideways to get a better look of her brother, see if he truly meant what he said.

"R- Really?" she stammered, unbelievingly.

"For the love of Merlin, Ellie! I think I heard Dad rolled in his grave just to give you a twirl!" Harry said, laughing all the way, oblivious to her sister's glassy eyes. Ellie shook her head briefly, trying to close the flood gate that threatened to open. "Then I better win the next cup, might bring him alive."

"Ellie! We're celebrating, come on!" Draco called for her from the other side of the pitch, the rest of her team and housemates already ahead of him, making their way back to their common room. Gently, Harry lowered her to the ground.

"Go on, I'm not injured this time," he nudged her into the direction of her friends after giving her a kiss on her head. "Have fun, yeah? And stay away from the firewhiskey!"


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