Chapter 2.15

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Sitting in front of the white bearded wizard under the gaze of his twinkling eyes, Remus felt like he was a school boy again, called up to the headmaster's office for another prank he had done with his fellow Marauders though he would deny such things for as long as he could. He half expected James and Sirius to come bursting through the door, being fashionably late, and challenged the headmaster to actually proof it was them, not that anyone needed to do so - anyone with eyes and ears knew it was them. What he would give just to live those moments again.

"Prongs rode again last night," said Dumbledore with a hint of nostalgia in his voice. Remus looked at him quizzically, surprised that he used the nickname reserved for the late James Potter. Dumbledore let out a chuckle as he mused, "Sirius told me. He solemnly swore that he was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - as I quote him.  And speaking as your former headmaster, I have to say it was quite an achievement that you all did."

Now Remus really felt like a school boy again. He guessed he should've seen it coming, even though it was seventeen years too late. "Harry really does take after James," he said as his meek attempt to avert the topic and guilt.

"On the contrary, I see him alive not in Harry, but in your goddaughter," said Dumbledore ever so casually, "I dare say you would agree."

Remus felt a pang in his heart. How he wished James could have seen his children, he would be over the moon. Just from the short time of knowing them once more, Remus could already tell they were extraordinary young witch and wizard, despite the unfortunate lives they had. His eyes drifted to the amber sky behind the headmaster and he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. The pain he felt was shared with the headmaster. It was no doubt that James Potter had left a very deep mark in the old man's memory, and he would be lying if he wasn't fond of James. It felt almost wrong that James was taken from the world at such a wrong age whilst he was still breathing. It felt almost like he had stolen the years of the young wizard. It pained him even more that sitting in front of him was one of the greatest men he had ever known, one of his best and favourite students he ever had the pleasure of teaching, would face an even harder life than he had already lived the moment he walked out of his office door that day.

With a heavy sigh, the headmaster started, "Remus, it pains me to say that the event of last night had affected the school in an unnecessary yet unavoidable manner."

Remus dropped his head to his hands. He had foreseen it coming, but that didn't mean it lessen the pain. Truth be told, he had rather enjoyed being a teacher, and he would be as bold as claiming that he was rather good at it too. At least, none of the students had thrown dungbombs in his class, well none except the Weasley twins, so it had to be some kind of an approval, right? The worse part was that he didn't need Dumbledore to elaborate on the matter. He could just imagine a greasy haired git who wasn't over some teenager grudge finally getting a revenge that satisfied his ego. It was still early in the morning, so word would spread by breakfast and would reach the parents by lunch. That'd be the time he needed to sort his things.
Lifting his head, he smiled politely at the older man. "I'll be gone as soon as possible, sir, thank you for the opportunity."

"Remus, I am not dismissing you," the headmaster said to him with a frown. He was actually the best DADA professor that had stepped foot into the castle in the last decade.

"Consider it my resignation, then, sir. I have been too much trouble for that is."

"Are you certain? I do hope you remember the matter in hand why I asked you to join our faculty member in the first place."

Of course he remembered, if it weren't for that last pull, he wouldn't even consider of accepting the job his old headmaster had offered him. He had thought that in was unwise to put the students of Hogwarts into such danger, but he had allowed himself to be a little selfish. For my Eleanor, he thought as he convinced himself. He'd go to the ends of the world for the chance to redeem himself in front of the girl he loved like his own daughter, and he'd be lying if he told anyone she wouldn't be his first priority. But he had to find another way to fulfill his duty as a godfather.

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