Chapter 4.4

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"Sirius. Let. Me. Kill. Him," panted Ellie through her gritted teeth as she tried to push the portrait of Walburga Black back behind her curtain, much to no avail.

"Just shut this damn thing first and I'll share a first hand experience on how to get to Azkaban," said Sirius as he too tried to push the portrait of his mother back into the darkness. It had been a rough morning for him, since he had already shut his mother twice that morning. Frustrated at their fruitless attempt, he snapped at the young man next to him, "What good is your muscle, Morozov?"

"I'm. Trying," said Xenyk, struggling with all his might. Exasperated at the profanities and insults being thrown at them, Ellie stepped away from the portrait. Facing the portrait with all the anger she had pent up all summer, she screamed from the top of the lungs, "SHUT IT!"

As if the words themselves were a enchantment, forcing Walburga Black to retreat to the darkness of her curtain. Both men slid down the wall and rest on the floor with their backs against the wall, panting, exhausted from the battle against the portrait, yet relieved that she was back where she belonged. Their relief was short lived, however, as they heard Walburga Black screeching in pain behind her curtain. With their eyes as wide as saucers, Sirius and Xenyk got up from the floor. Xenyk realised what the young Potter was doing, and he had a feeling that her godfather was aware of it, too. Both men shared a knowing look, and Sirius went forward to his goddaughter. Hugging her, he whispered to her, "Alright, baby girl, the old cow is already dead, no need to kill her twice. Calm down, baby girl, calm down."

It took Sirius a few attempts to finally get his goddaughter stop torturing his mother in her death. Even though her breath was still heavy, at least Ellie had stopped what ever spell she was casting on the portrait of Walburga Black. Snapping her head to where all the shouting and yelling came from, the young Potter broke free from her godfather with a snarl on her face. "I'm going to kill my brother."

"Fuck," breathed Sirius exasperatedly. He swore if they weren't his godchildren he'd let them kill each other just this once.

"I'm on it," said the young man with thick accent as he climbed the stairs and follow the young Potter to where all the dulcet tones were coming from. He wasn't too fond of the idea chasing after the young Potter, but Merlin knows what would happen to her brother if she was to lose her temper at him. However, the prospect of seeing her sending death threats to her brother was tempting enough to make the young man linger in the hallway as the young Potter barged into the room full of Weasleys, her brother, and the boy's best friend.

"For the love of Salazar, ENOUGH!"

The whole room went deadly silent at Ellie's outburst, even the gleeful smirk on the twins' faces was wiped off. Hermione looked as if she had been harassed enough by the bespectacled boy that she actually looked hurt. Ron looked somewhat tormented, perhaps from the lack of communication between the two boys. Ginny simply looked as if she was done with the bespectacled boy. Well, at least only the Potters looked as livid as daylight. Ellie marched up to her brother as she pulled out her wand from her jeans and held it high with her left hand as her right pushed him to a wall.

"I have helped Sirius shut his mother up thrice since you arrived. Thrice! That's two more than I'd like, so if you want to do a shouting match, do it somewhere else! And you can thank Sirius for loving you, or else you'd be up the walls by now, next to the dead elves!" spat the younger Potter as she jabbed her wand to her brother's sternum.

"What's that suppose to mean?" challenged the bespectacled boy, stealthily keeping his own wand at the ready, in case he needed to cast a spell or two.

"It means, you ignoramus toe-rag, I don't have a problem hanging your head!"

"Have no problem on keeping me either, have you? Ditch me at the Dursley while you're here having the time of your life!"

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