Chapter 1.1

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"Ellie, wake up," said a warm voice next to the head of an eleven year old witch with dark coffee brown hair. She felt her body was being rocked softly, causing her to stir on her bed. With her eyelids still heavy, she buried her face into her pillow and mumbled, "Five more minutes."

The boy who had been trying to wake his little sister for a solid ten minutes couldn't help but chuckle at her. He found it amazing how she managed to sleep through all the commotion of last night, and what a night it was. He had never expected for his best friend and twin brothers to rescue him from the awful place he and his sister had to unfortunately call home, and he had most definitely never expected to ride on a flying Ford Anglia, but he did. Merlin, how he loved magic. Carefully removing the blanket that covered his sister, he tried to wake her once more. "Ellie, come on, Mrs. Weasley is already preparing our lunch."

"Who's Mrs. Weasley?" She mumbled in between her yawn, finally letting her brother wake her up.

"Harry, you never told us-"

"How adorable she is."

"ARGH!" Ellie jumped five feet into the air and landed on the floor rather ungracefully when she heard the stranger's voice. It was then she realised that she wasn't in the room she shared with Harry in Privet Drive. She was even more surprised to see two identical yet unfamiliar faces beaming at her. But before she could even question them, another voice rang through the walls of the room. "Fred! George! What did you do to the poor girl?!"

Fred and George shied away from their mother before she could yell at them any further, causing Mrs. Weasley to mumble under her breath. Shaking his head and laughing to himself, Harry helped his little sister up while assuring Mrs. Weasley that her twins were doing nothing but having a good laugh.

"Lunch is ready dear, why don't you help the boys set the table up?"

"Of course Mrs. Weasley," Harry replied to the woman. He then gave his sister a kiss on the forehead before leaving her with Mrs. Weasley. Just as Harry left, Mrs. Weasley turned her attention to Ellie and greeted her in the most motherly way possible that she wasn't sure anyone was capable of doing. "Oh, hello, Ellie dear. How are you feeling?"

Not knowing what to do that Harry wasn't in the room with her, she replied with a timid okay, causing Mrs. Weasley to chuckle at her shyness. Harry had told her that his sister was rather shy with strangers, but she had not been warned how adorable Ellie was. She couldn't help herself but engulfed her into her hug.

"It's okay dear, my name is Molly Weasley," she then told the little girl as she pulled apart. It seemed like the small gesture had eased Ellie a little for a smile was starting to form on her face.

"Forgive me, Mrs. Weasley, but where exactly am I?"

"You're at the Burrow dear, this is the Weasley home. Your brother is a friend of my youngest boy, Ron."

It was then realisation hit her. She knew she had heard the name Weasley somewhere. Being ten months younger than her brother, she was most unfortunately left by him for a whole year when he went to Hogwarts for the first time. Needless to say, it was the most horrible year in her life. The Dursley was terrible as always, but she had always had her brother to confide to, and he was always there to make sure nothing too horrible happened to her. Once he left, it was like Dudley was having the time of his life. Her only source of happiness were the occasional letters her brother had sent her, telling her all about the excitement of Hogwarts, and the promise that Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, had told her the day he met them. He told her that she would be attending Hogwarts too in the following year, when she was already eleven years old. Now, Harry was always careful with what he told his little sister about Hogwarts. He didn't want her to get the wrong impression of the school for he wished that she could consider the place a home, just like he did, so needless to say he only told her the better part of his school year, three headed dog and a professor with a supposedly dead wizard on the back of his supposedly bald head excluded.

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