Chapter 5.13

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Ellie listened carefully as Narcissa's heel clicked across the wooden floor. She could barely made out a conversation through her door, let alone a hushed whisper. Damn the fancy thick door. Not even the extendable ears could penetrate the thick warded room. Who put wards on each door anyways? Besides, the whispers did not really matter to her, and she could always use her last resort.

"Just because you helped me doesn't mean we're friends," reminded Ellie to the hair twirling ghost smirking teasingly next to her. Why the ghost even bothered with her hair was beyond Ellie.

"Play tough all you want, Potter," said the ghost in a sing song voice, "But you know we're friends. If you die, we could share the house. We're already sharing my room."

Ellie winced at the reminder. Yes, they were certainly sharing the ghost's room. Well, former room. It had been left to gather dust for years. At least until Christmas 1992, when she slept at the very same room during her Christmas break. To think that the ghost might be watching her in her sleep when she was eleven. Well, she might have just fall to the ground like she did, the first time the ghost woke her up. That was five months ago.

"Malfoy, I'm not here to make friends."

"You seemed pretty friendly with Auntie Bella."

"Lest I want her wand at my nose," mumbled Ellie under her breath. Even after almost six months, she still wanted to throw a shoe at the ghost. A real waste of a good shoe, really, since the shoe would just pass through. Letting out a weary sight, she finally caved in. "Just tell me where Cissy's going."

With a soft giggle, the ghost of Lyra Malfoy disappeared from her room, presumably to lurk between the walls, trailing her mother around the house. When she did return to her room, a bright smile was etched on her face.

"Draco's home."

Not many people would smile at the sight of their supposed murderer. It was an accident, she had explained to Ellie once, and I pushed him into it. It's not his fault really. Ellie would not argue with the logic of a dead thirteen years old girl. Although, throwing knife at your sister's head, even with magic, seemed pretty dumb to her. Even the whole scenario screamed you'll cut your sister wide open! Nonetheless, what was done was done. She wondered why on earth Draco would be home and smacked herself on the forehead.

"It's already Easter Break?"

"I told you yesterday that you're running out of time, Potter," said Lyra in the most patronising way a hair twirling ghost could manage.

Technically, Ellie was older than Lyra, with her being dead at thirteen, but Lyra had this concept that she was older than Ellie. Just because I'm dead, Potter, doesn't mean I'm not growing as you are in mind. Again, Ellie had no will to argue with a dead girl's logic. Ellie paced back and forth in front of the door, calculating the time she had lost, adding the tally she kept by memory alone, and the remainder amount of scouts she would have to drown down the drain.

"It's honourable, really, for you to do what you do. I really hate that monster, and what he has done to Draco."

"I don't need your praise, Malfoy," said Ellie without losing her pace.

"I remember you, you know, from your first time visiting the manor. I haven't seen Draco smiled that bright in a long time." Lyra made to give her a pat on the shoulder, but thought better of it. Thank Merlin, she really hated when the cold shiver pass through her. "I'll always consider you a friend just for that alone, Ellie."

Lyra had already had a foot inside the wall when Ellie finally stopped pacing. "Will you tell him I'm here?"


The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon