Chapter 1.6

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"It is quite astonishing how a fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, isn't it, Severus?" the headmaster said as a way to announce his uninvited arrival at the potion master's office. The potion master who had been grading his students' works lifted his gaze to meet the headmaster's brilliant blue eyes. "I beg your pardon, headmaster."

"Eleanor Potter. She truly is the spitting image of Lily, except for her hair."

The black haired wizard didn't say a thing to that. Dumbledore was right, of course, Eleanor Lily Potter was a constant reminder of his late Lily Evans, except for her hair in which she inherited her father's dark coffee brown hair. If he was being honest to himself, he was especially kind to Eleanor for the sole reason of showing Lily, wherever she was, that he was sorry for what he had done to her. When he looked at Harry, he was too similar to his father, the lad whom made his life in Hogwarts a living hell, thus he found it necessary to give the boy a taste of his father's medicine. But with Eleanor, all he saw was a second chance. Taking the silence as his permission to carry on the conversation, Dumbledore told the potion master his intention. "Severus, I am here to ask you for another favour. Although Eleanor doesn't have the same fate as her brother, I do believe that she plays an integral part in Harry's journey, and it is my belief that the two should be prepared in case anything was to happen."

"And what do you propose, Headmaster?"

Snape could've sworn he saw a twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes, and when his eyes twinkled, he knew the man was up to something. "Do you think she's exceptionally bright for her age, Severus?"

"The brightest," he replied shortly but surely, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Then you would agree if she joined the second years for her study?"

The potion master was confused, of course, but he knew the man better than to question his motives. So with a heavy sigh, he nodded, "I don't see why not."

"Excellent. You shall inform her about her academic change, and should she need a tutor in the lessons she would skip, you shall be."

Just as the older wizard was about to leave the room, he was stopped by Snape's voice that was thick with concern, because for once in his life, he actually cared for someone other than himself. "Dumbledore, are you sure this decision concerns her best interest and safety?"

"As sure as my beating heart, Severus. I suggest you inform Miss Potter as soon as you see fit."


On the bright Saturday morning in midst October, Ellie found herself standing outside of the changing room dressed in a Slytherin green robe and a Nimbus 2001 in her hand, along with six other boys. She wasn't just the only girl in the team, but she was also the smallest, so needless to say that their captain had made it the beaters' goals to protect their new seeker at any cost and to not hesitate to send a rough one to the opposing team. Soon enough, she hear the voice of none other than Lee Jordan, the boy she had had the privilege of meeting on her first train ride to Hogwarts, announcing the arrival of the Gryffindor team at the pitch. "Alright folks, here comes the Gryffindor with Captain Wood as keeper; chasers Johnson, Spinnet, Bell; beaters Weasley and Weasley; and our youngest seeker of the century, Potter!"

Just as her brother's name was announced, the Slytherin team made their way onto the pitch. With each step she took, the deafening cheers from the stands got even louder. "And here comes the Slytherin with Captain Flint as chaser along with Pucey and Malfoy; beaters Derrick, Bole; keeper Bletchley; and seeker Potter! This will be one hell of a game, I just know it! Both Potters playing as seeker against each other!"

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