Chapter 2.14

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"There you go," said Sirius as he lowered to the ground outside of the passageway, allowing Ellie to slid down his back with a thank you. Sirius - had a nice ring to it, she thought to herself. Ellie watched as Sirius etched closer to the edge of the hill, taking in the breathtaking view of the magnificent castle in front of him. With a ghost of a smile on his face, he looked much younger than he did just an hour ago im the shrieking shack. For the first time since Ellie had seen him, he looked somewhat his age. A man in his thirties who must had been so very handsome in his youth. Dragging her brother along with her, she stood a good arm length away from Sirius Black, the man that she'd believed to be a murderer not an hour ago.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sirius mused to both Potters as he noticed them standing behind him, "How I wish I could walk through those halls again as a free man." Sirius then turned around and looked at Harry with a hint of pride in his own eyes.

"You did a noble thing back there Harry. He didn't deserve it, but still."

"I figured with him alive, we could proof your innocence."

"Do you know what that means?"

"You're free," breathed Harry. Ellie couldn't help but notice the flicker of hope her brother hid under his words.

"That, but also- I don't know if you know, Harry, but when you were born your parents appointed me to be your godfather," said Sirius, with a hesitant look in his eyes. Much too his and Ellie's surprise, Harry replied him with two simple words.

"I knew."

Sirius beamed under the moonlight. He then turned to Ellie. "I'm also yours, Ellie, though I have to share the role due to your favouritism to Remus. Did you know that your first word was Moony?"

"I didn't," said Ellie, quite amused by that single fact. She had had her first word, and it was Moony. Remus must had been so proud. She wondered how her dad reacted to that. All her life, she had only known Harry and the Dursleys. Now that she had found out she had two uncles of some sorts in her life, she couldn't help but let her mind picture what it would be like had she ended on their doorstep instead of the Dursley's. Would she grow up being loved? Would she grow up surrounded by magic? Her bubble of thoughts were bursted by her brother.

"What? Move in with you?"

"Well, only if you want to," Sirius told him sheepishly.

"Are you crazy?" Harry asked his godfather, his emerald green eyes wide and wild with excitement, failing to notice Sirius' face had fallen slightly. Ellie laughed at the man and came to his aid.

"He means that he'd take a falsely accused mass murderer anytime than staying with the Dursley."

Sirius grinned at her, but quickly added, "You'll join us, too, of course. Can't leave my favourite girl out of the picture."

Ellie's jaw dropped to the ground. Learning that the man was also his godfather quite explained his tendency to call her baby girl, but having the man wanting her in his house was something else. "You mean it?" Ellie asked the man in a whisper.

"I fought James to be your second godfather, I'd fight any muggle to get you under my roof with your brother," he informed her quite proudly. Words had failed her, so she did what she could - she tackled the man with a bone crushing hug. She mumbled a thank you into his chest, and she could feel his chest vibrating as he laughed at her. Sirius wrapped his own arms around the girl, having her in his arms again after twelve years of isolation.


Ellie whipped her head towards the young Gryffindor witch, and watched in pure horror as she noticed what the older girl was pointing at. At lightning speed, Sirius released himself from their small embrace and tried his best to calm his friend whom was slowly transforming in front of their eyes. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Harry lunging forward, and it was only then did Ellie realised Pettigrew had escaped once more. Ellie ran to her brother's side, trying to find the rat just so she could crush him with her feet when a figure emerged from the bottom of the Whomping Willow. Snape yelled for Harry, just as he realised the terror in front of his eyes. He grabbed Ellie and pushed her behind him, shielding her along with the three Gryffindors from the werewolf in front of them. They watched as a large black dog took Sirius' place and attacked the werewolf, only to be overpowered in one quick motion. Ellie couldn't stop the loud gasp that escaped her lips, bringing the werewolf's attention back to her and the others. This is how I will die, she thought to herself. But perhaps fate a different thing in mind as a loud howl could be heard from somewhere deep in the forest. She watched as her godfather, the werewolf, ran deep into the forest. As she did so, she could only think of the danger Remus would be in, and so she slipped under Snape's arm and ran after him, neverminding her head of house and brother calling after her.

The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum