Chapter 3.2

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Ellie turned towards the staircase, where the sound came from, and from it emerged a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He was taller than the twins, but his hair was just as red as theirs, no doubt that he was a Weasley. A few scars littered his lower arms, but it only made the undeniable handsome young man all the more attractive, if not intriguing. Ellie had to admit, had she been older, she'd be swoon by the sight of him.

"You must be the famous little Elle," said Charlie as he offered a hand for the youngest Potter to take, "I've heard a lot about you from these two."

"I'm not that terrible, I swear!" Ellie exclaimed quickly, shaking her head. Whatever those twins had said about her, couldn't possibly the whole truth, and she'd be damned before she let those two embarrass her in front of their good looking older brother. Much to her relief, Charlie merely chuckled and pulled her into a side hug. "I knew they were lying about you flying on Dad's car."

"Oh, that I actually did. Not by choice, though," admitted Ellie sheepishly, which only made Charlie cracked up. Just then another red haired young man who seemed to be a little bit older than Charlie entered the room. His hair was longer than any of the Weasley boys, and he had it in a ponytail, paired with a fang shaped earrings. Turning to Charlie and the twins, Ellie asked curiously, "Just how many are you?"

The young man with the ponytail didn't seem to be phased by Ellie's curiosity as he introduced himself. "Bill, pleasure to put a face to your name, Elle."

"OH! You're the one who works in Egypt!" exclaimed the dark coffee brown haired girl as realisation dawned upon her. "You're the oldest, right?"

"The most handsome, more likely," retorted Bill with a wink, making the girl blush ever so slightly. The twins were making gagging noises behind her, earning themselves a sharp jab on the ribs from yours truly.

"Bill, Charlie, would you two please bring the tables outside? We're having dinner by the garden," called Mrs. Weasley from somewhere around the house. The Burrow had so many floors and rooms that Ellie was sure if they played hide and seek, she'd get lost and not found for at least a fortnight. Both young men whipped out their wands and levitated said tables through the backdoor. Just before Bill was about to exit, however, he stopped and crouched with his back on Ellie.

"Hop on, little Elle."

Ellie was taken aback by the request made by the ever eager Bill. She turned around to the twins for explanations, which they gladly gave her.

"He used to do that with Ginny all the time. Well, until Ginny threatened to hex him that is," Fred told her as he pushed her to his older brother.

"Do him the favour of having a sister he could baby," added George with a wink sent at her direction.

"If you're sure," Ellie mumbled to no one in particular before looping her arms around the oldest Weasley boy's neck and lacing her legs around his torso. With one hand holding her left leg and the other holding his wand, Bill restored to levitating the table to the garden, only to accidentally knocking the table his brother was levitating. With a snort, Charlie knock the his table to Bill's harder than Bill had done. The two quickly got into a table knocking war, with Ellie still on Bill's back cheering the aforementioned Weasley and the twins cheering on their second eldest brother. When Bill sent his table flying slightly too hard, it not only knocked Charlie's table, but also Charlie himself along the way, making him landing on the grass with a thud.

"How's the weather down there, Charlie?" Ellie asked him, not even trying to contain her laughter as Bill laughed along with her.

"You've spent too much time with my brothers, Elle," retorted Charlie as he got up and rubbed his backside.

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