Chapter 3.6

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"Eager are we?" Jested the blue eyed boy as he watched the youngest Potter bobbed her head in all directions.

"And who'll be laughing when you drool over the beautiful witches of Beauxbatons?"

Shaking his head, he let go of the young Potter's antics and wait patiently for the arrival of the foreign students. Every single student of Hogwarts was standing excitedly in the entrance hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of any means of the arrival of the Durmstrangs and Beauxbatons that was mentioned in the welcoming feast by their beloved headmaster. For most, they were simply excited to have a change in their routine, but for two Potter kids, they were about to experience the magical world beyond Hogwarts.

Young Eleanor Potter couldn't help but be guffawed as she watched the Beauxbatons arrived in their chariot, and even more when their headmistress made her entrance to the walls of Hogwarts. The young Potter was sure she was even taller than Hagrid. But boy, did the French have something in their water, because surely she had never seen anyone as beautiful as the Beauxbatons.

Acknowledging how stunned Ellie was by the French's arrival, the Slytherin quidditch captain bowed a little to reach her ear and whispered through his thin lips, "Most of them are part veela."

"Like the ones at the world cup?" asked the young Potter without taking her eyes of the foreign students and headmistress.

"Not exactly," explained the older Slytherin, "They're not fully a veela, but they have veela blood in them."

"Is that why they're so beautiful?"

"Yes," he told her as he shifted his gaze from the Beauxbatons to the young Potter, "but they're not the most beautiful human, either."

"Are you taking the mickey? Look at them!" she told him as she pointed at the foreign students dressed in blue silks, "What's more beautiful than them?"

"I'd tell you," teased the blue eyed boy as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and spun her around, "But I don't think you'd want to miss the Durmstrangs."

"Where the bloody hell did that ship came from?!"


"Welcome, guests, students, and friends!" greeted the long bearded headmaster as he stood on the podium in front of the teacher's table.

"This will be a hell of a year," muttered Ellie from her seat next to her captain.

"You know," said the Slytherin Captain as he fiddled with his cup, "I think it would have nothing to do with this whole Triwizard Tournament."

Turning to her captain, she arced her eyebrow and looking at him like he was way out of his mind. Chuckling to himself, he shook his head, "Call me crazy, but ever since your brother came here, something exciting always happened every year."

"Believe me, I know," she told her as she eyed her brother from across the hall, and thought of all the times Harry would accidentally use his magic around the Dursleys and ended up being starved for days. Or of all the times she would pass him sitting in front of the principle's office as he failed to talk his way out of all the trouble he had unintentionally caused. Sometimes she even wondered if he was born with the talent of mischief, for as far as both Potters were concerned, her accidental magic happened far less often than her brother's. "Harry attracts trouble like he has a pointy hat with a giant arrow on it."

"I'd like to see him top the whole mass murderer thing."

"Don't jinx it, Adrian," warned the young Potter with a jab to his ribs as she turned her attention back to the headmaster.

The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterWhere stories live. Discover now