Chapter 5.2

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" she asked her godfather as she sat cross-legged on her bed, eyeing the needle in her godfather's hand warily. Hell, she had been on the receiving end of a wand in a battle, yet this much more miniscule rod scared her even more than the unforgivables. "No offense, Pads, but you failed to kill a rat, killed twelve other people instead and got yourself shacked into Azkaban, a year for each soul."

"First of, how am I suppose to not take offense to that?" scoffed the older man, waving the needle dangerously around, much to the girl's distress, "Second of, what's the worst that could happen?"

"I could die!" yelled the girl incredulously, "Bleeding my ears off! Got infected! Die!"

"Your boyfriend can bring you back!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" exclaimed the girl loud enough for the whole house to hear, which of course woke Walburga from her slumber, causing shrieks of abomination, blood traitor, and filth, rang through the whole house.

With a loud groan escaping his lips, a young man of nineteen years old ran out of his room. Of the one thing that the occupants of the house ought to do, the very owner of said house and his goddaughter failed to do so. Keep your voice down, don't wake the foul hag, it was easy enough, but no, they had to have a shouting match. As he passed the opened bedroom door, he shouted before running down the stairs to the portrait of the spiteful woman, "Leave me in my death bed!"

"You died once, Morozov!" called the older man from where he sat across his goddaughter, "Once!"

In the kitchen, sat two adults, well one of them was definitely an adult, whilst the other would barely pass the category. The older one sat with his nose buried in a mug of hot chocolate in his hand, its steam dancing in front of his face, trickling the scars littering his face. The younger one was sitting with the Prophet wide on the dining table, her mitchmatching eyes skimming the headlines, looking for anything unusual, well more unusual than what was normally being reported on the paper. Neither was bothered by the screaming of Walburga Black, as they knew with the amount of yelling the godfather and goddaughter was doing upstairs, it was only foreseeable for the hag to came to live again should they shut her. The yelling, however, grabbed their attention.

"What's going on up there?" asked the bubblegum pink haired woman from her paper, the shouting was far more interesting than the day's Prophet. The man with scars on his face did not seem bothered by the dulcet tones as he lowered his mug of hot chocolate to the table. "Sirius is giving Elle some piercings."

"Padfoot! That hurts!"

"Or murdering her," he added as an after note. He should had known better than to let his best friend and goddaughter to themselves, but Merlin knew he deserved some quality time with his hot chocolate. Tonks raised her dark magenta eyebrows - in a way complementing her bubblegum pink hair and bringing it even more to live - to the man sitting in front of her just as another string of high notes travelled downstairs.

"Hold still, or you will bleed to death!"

"Murder," concluded both adults unanimously. Tonks had folded the Prophet altogether, there was nothing there but the rubbish it delivered on a daily basis anyway. She leaned back on her seat, her feet propped on the table. She was quite similar to her cousin in that way, and Remus couldn't help but smile at her. Tonks had an eyebrow arched, a sly smirk on her face, and her hands crossed across her chest, ready for the tea that Remus Lupin best serve her. "What is it about Ellie's boyfriend? I thought she and the twin had a thing?"

"Who knows what's going on in that girl's mind? As long as she's happy, I'm happy," he told the woman in front of her with a light smirk playing on his lips. Tonks narrowed her eyes at him, like a predator looking for a sign of weakness in its prey, before smirking herself, and said in a sing sang voice, "I know you, Remus John Lupin, you're just letting my cousin do all the hard work-"

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