Chapter 4.5

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Harry had only been in his godfather's house for less than 24 hours, and already he felt like shite. He had managed to drive his friends and his sister up the wall, and even though he had settled things between his friends, he had tremendous reasons to believe that things wouldn't be as simple with his sister. He needed time to think, to let things sink in, to make sense of whatever was happening during the summer. So when he found himself climbing the stairs, up to the study, wherever that was, to find himself a nice, secluded, space. He didn't expect to bump into anyone on the stairs, but when he did, he realised he had bumped into a familiar face.

"Hey, it's Xenyk, no?"

Nodding, Xenyk mused to himself, "Famous, Harry Potter."

"Just Harry, please," said Harry rather bashfully. Even after four years, he still felt somewhat shy of being referred as the Harry Potter. To him, he was just, and always be, Harry, the boy who slept in a closet under the staircase along with his sister. Clearing his throat, he said to the older boy in front of him, "I wanted to thank you, Sirius told me."

"Your sister is very dear to me," answered Xenyk shortly. Harry ran his hand through his hair and sat on the steps. He dropped his head into his hand and grumbled, "I just feel horrible to her, you know?"

Xenyk couldn't help but see himself a little, just a little, in the older Potter. He acknowledged full well how things could all fall apart in front of your eyes without a moment's notice, how things could suddenly be too much too bear, how things could crumble at the softest touch, how the bespectacled boy, the eldest of the two siblings, had to take control of both his surrounding and his sister whilst control itself was slipping away from him. Xenyk had a hunch that Ellie wouldn't be the only Potter he had to look after, but he guessed he should have seen it coming. Taking a seat next to the bespectacled boy, Xenyk put a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Don't let the var change you, Harry."

"Xenyk, are you-"

"I am a пересадка," finished Xenyk proudly, cutting the bespectacled boy short, "Just like your sister."

"I was actually wondering if you are dating my sister," replied the bespectacled boy sheepishly, "But great for you. A persh-ka?"

"пересадка," corrected Xenyk. He eyed the bespectacled boy suspiciously, and things clicked in front of his eyes, "She has not tell you, has she?"


"Why didn't anyone tell me?" asked Harry, rather flabbergasted that he was once again being kept in the dark by those he trusted the most, "She's me sister! She's my little sister!"

"Vy, indeed," asked Xenyk rhetorically as he rolled his eyes and slumped his back to the steps. From the year he had spent at Hogwarts, he had learned that the students there were sorted into their houses according to the traits they value and uphold most, and he could see it clear as day why the bespectacled boy whom was sitting next to him was not sorted into the same house as his sister.

"I- I- she didn't want me to know, did she?" asked the bespectacled boy after awhile.

"Perhaps she vos just finding the right moment."

"The right moment, my arse," scoffed the bespectacled boy as he kicked the wall beside him, "It's because I've been a terrible brother for her, Xenyk. Just spit it out."

"Alright. I vill spit it out," said Xenyk as he took a breath, readying himself for the words that he had held back, "I votched your sister from afar last year. Did you know she had one too many fights with her friends? The boys from her house, even the oldest one? No, you did not. You vere competing in the tournament. Of course, no one could blame you for that. Then, there vere the Veasley twins. Did you know that they too vere also watching her ven they vere not too busy pulling their stunts? Making sure she vosn't hurt? No, of course not. You had the weight of your own friends abandoning you to even notice, and no one can blame you for that. After the tournament ended, again the Veasley twins vere there for Eleanor, but ver vere you? You vere too indulged in your mourning to even check on her. Once again, no one blamed you for that. No one should ever go through vot you had, you are just a boy, you should not have to face the murderer of your parents. Now here ve are. You are finally here vith your sister, and yet, the first thing you do vos making her feel like she had betrayed you. I have promised Eleanor that I vill fight by her side, and I vill start vith you. So answer me this, Harry Potter, has she betrayed you? Or vos it she vom vos betrayed?"

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