Chapter 2.4

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Sitting in the Great Hall, waiting for the sorting to start, Ellie couldn't help but feel like she was finally home. She welcomed the warmth it radiated against the cold September night that was filled with a handful of dementors outside the castle with open arms. Sitting in between Adrian and Theo, she listened as the two chatted animatedly. Despite the cold shoulders most Slytherins gave her, despite the nasty look she received from other houses - apparently the issue of last school term hadn't quite died and she was still somewhat terrifying in some students' eyes - Ellie found a little bit of family in the group of four boys, and a little less in her Quidditch team. Her happy reunion with her home far away from home was interrupted, however, when Draco decided to be a jerk this early in the school term. "Psst! Potter! Potter!"

Begrudgingly, the older Potter who was sitting on the neighbouring table turned around to the table of snakes. It seemed to Ellie that hearing Draco's voice was enough to bring a scowl on Harry's face that would definitely give Uncle Vernon a run for his money. Whatever Draco was playing at, it definitely wouldn't end on a pleasing note.

"Did you really fainted?" asked the blonde boy with a smirk on his face as the light brown haired boy next to Ellie imitate a fainting Harry, which in all honesty was nowhere near to what actually happened. The near by Slytherins let out a laugh, all safe for Ellie herself and Adrian who put a calming hand over her shoulder, practically holding her down from whipping her wand at her supposedly best friends.

"Shove off, Malfoy," grumbled Ron at the Slytherins as he turned Harry's body around. Back on the Slytherin table, he ignored the still roaring laughter. The three third year boys seemed oblivious to the anger that was slowly boiling inside of Ellie as they continued to make fun of her brother. Shoving Adrian's hand from her shoulder, she stood up abruptly, throwing daggers with her stare at the three boys. "I hate you. All three of you. Yes, even you, Blaise."

"Hey, I didn't do anything!" Blaise said quickly, defending himself. He knew just how much anger Ellie's petite body could hold and he intended to stay on her good side. However, it seemed like the damage was done and he only made matters worse for himself. "Exactly. You didn't bother to stop these buffoons."

Ellie stomped away from her house table, earning odd stares from several students which she ignored, and made her way towards the house of lions. Adrian wanted nothing more but held her back, nevertheless he knew better to let her seek comfort in her brother. He figured he'd talk to her in the morning when the storm raging inside her had died down for now he had three buffoons, to quote, to deal with. Sliding closer to his cousin, he smacked the boy's head hard. "Well done, you three."

With adrenaline rushing in her brain, Ellie held her head high as she walked towards her brother, yet the sight of him in distressed cleared any hint of courage she had just seconds ago. Just like what she had experienced on the train, it was with great difficulty to see her very own knight in shining armour looking like he had lost a battle. Carefully approaching her brother, she put a soft hand on his shoulder as she asked him timidly, "Harry?"

"I'm fine, Ellie. Just go back to your table, yeah? I'm fine, really," Harry told her without even looking at her. The lack of warmth stung slightly, but she knew for a fact that Harry had a lot in his mind. Not backing up one bit, she slung both of her arms around his neck and pressed her small body to his back, something she used to do when they were younger when she wanted him to pay attention to her. "I'm not," Ellie told him, her voice a mere whisper.

Caving in to his sister, Harry untangled her arms before gesturing for her to squeeze in between Ron and him. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm scared."

"I won't let anything harm you, Ellie. You have nothing to be scared of."

A frown formed on Ellie's face. She shook her head as she elaborate her fear to Harry. "I'm scared for you, Harry. Something always happens to you, and now somebody actually wanted to kill you."

The Choices We Make ∆ Harry Potter SisterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin