Peaceful Blackness

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9 months had passed since the attack upon the Western Lands; due to the manipulation of Shinimi and Naraku. Though it had taken months, the once barren fields and mountains that Sesshomaru reigned over were returned to their fruitful state. With aid from the children of Sesshomaru and Shizuka. The loving and powerful parents agreeing that their children deserved to be shared with the world. Believing that sheltering them would only prove harmful in the future. Sesshomaru valued his mates council and as such allowed Hisuri and Souma permission to explore outside their home. With reason of course.

In these peaceful times the little princess Shion had grown to a child of the age of 9. The little princess seeming to remain at that age. As to tag along with her elder sister Rin in her adventures. Something that Rin herself did not mind, as she adored having a younger sibling to play with. The two siblings would frequently be seen crafting intricate flower crowns. Giggling happily among the gentles blooms, while the watchful eyes of their parents were even upon them.

Shion's white dog ears twitching at the sound of footsteps that belonged to her elder siblings. Hisuri and Souma who smiled warmly towards their sisters. Rin was the first to jump up and run to embrace Souma. Who couldn't help but to chuckle, placing Rin on his shoulders and running about the garden. Her giggles of glee never ceasing as Rin placed her flower crown atop Souma's raven locks. Hisuri couldn't help but to laugh at the sight as Souma grumbled that she was just jealous. Earning a playful argument between the two siblings to Ron's excitement. Who suggested they could all make flower crowns together. "We can make ones for Master Jaken, Ah-Un, Okasan and Otosan!" "I think that's a great idea Rin." Assured the Dragoness Narize who smiled towards the family. One that she felt grateful to belong to.

"Oooh! Yay Narize onesan too!"Rin exclaimed as she climbed off of Souma's shoulders. Planting herself at the center of the garden, where all her siblings joined her. All except little Shion who shuffled over to her parents. Her white and crimson kimono billowing around her. Shion peered up to her father, who's eyes were upon her. She then tugged on his left arm gently, and with a pleading expression on her face. She beckoned her father silently to her will. Sesshomaru then swept the little princess into his arms, her tiny ones wrapping around his neck. While a gentle sigh was released from Shion. As she was perhaps just as spoiled as Hisuri.

"Oh my, I could have sworn it was you who said I spoil them." Shizuka mused causing Sesshomaru to turn a bright red. Clearing his throat as he embraced his youngest pup, unable to hide the embarrassment from his face. "It's alright, I enjoy seeing this side of you. Darling." Shizuka whispered, planting a kiss upon Sesshomaru's cheek. Earning a small smile from the Daiyokai. Another of many things she had been blessed with frequently. She turned to the now slumbering Shion, who clutched onto a finished flower crown.

She then placed the lovely crown upon her daughter's forehead. Smiling as she planted a gentle kiss between her ears. All the while Souma turned to the sight of his parents and Shion. The youngest of the siblings. Whom slept in the arms of their father, it was then that a familiar pain made itself known to him. Souma crumbled to his knees. His breathing heavily labored as his vision was soon blurred and replaced by a nightmare. One that the Prince prayed he would never witness again. For around him was only darkness and the horrid screams of those who had survived a terrible existence. He soon found himself running towards these voices, searching for his own family through the pitch darkness.

Soon Souma stumbled out of the darkness and into the remnants of the villa's throne room. Where it's walls now covered in blood and smelt of rotten flesh. Though it was the ground where the bodies of his mother, father, and siblings lay. Each with their eyes wide in disbelief while Shizuka and Hisuri blood still retained it's golden radiance even in death. Souma trembled at the sight, overcome with grief he cried. Screaming for his family only to hear an eerie giggle answer him. Slowly Souma rose his head to see little Shion standing atop the body of their mother. Nonchalantly kicking the corpse to the side which caused Souma's heart to lurch. "S-Shion?" He whispered as his sister's once multicolored eyes were that of a deep crimson. Filled with the rage of Shinimi.

Souma's eyes widened in disbelief as Shion laughed manically before extending her hand out for her brother. Beckoning him to come to her without a fight. "Mother came to her demise without a fuss. Father on the other hand couldn't bear to hurt me. He was an easy kill. Big sister Hisuri—" Shion began before playfully skipping about the row of bodies. Stopping at the mangled body of Hisuri who still twitched with Abit of energy. And yet not enough to revive the fallen woman. "Things to alittle messy with oneesama. She really didn't want to die. I wonder how you will sound writhing in pain, Big brother." She spoke with the sweetness of a child and yet venom spilt from her lips that caused Souma to tremble.

Blinking away in his tears Souma peered down to the body of his sister, Hisuri. Clutching onto her hand, he kissed it softly. Whispering how sorry he was. He ignored his youngest sister drowning near. Instead the young man concentrated on his final moments with his sister. His family. He whispered an apology into the air. Souma was silenced by what felt like an inferno rising within him. One he could not control. And once that would end him. He peered towards Shion one final time. Tears in his eyes as his body was overcome by black flames erupting from his throat. Souma said nothing. Nor did he writhe on the floor in pain. Instead he held onto Hisuri, his tether in this world before the entire villa too was in flames. And from these flames and the flesh of the fallen emerged Shinimi. Fully in possession of her host Shion. The fallen Celestial Maiden peered at the burning chaos behind her and laughed manically. Her laugh alone bringing Souma back to reality.

He gasped and gripped onto his chest. The hand of his sister Hisuri upon his shoulder. A look of concern evident on her features. However she was not alone in this. Shizuka rose to her feet, making eye contact with her son. Knowing that whatever he saw was indeed not a good omen. Biting her bottom lip, Shizuka looked to her mate. Who solemnly nodded, gripping onto her hand. Whatever it was they would face it together.

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