Enlightened Hope

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For weeks now the body of Shizuka remained undisturbed in the chambers of the silent Demon Lord. For not even a sliver of sunlight ever grazed her snow kissed skin. Yet the forever glowing embers which remained of her divine blood, continued to give off its radiant light. Covering the body from head to toe. The light ever more intense when the moon was high in the night sky. Almost as if the Celestial Maiden herself was crying out to the Moon. To chariot her very soul away to the boundless beauty of the "Celestial Afterlife" one that was dreamed fiction. Yet Shizuka recalled those stories. Those nights with her mother forever etched in her very soul. Something that still remainer tethered to the lifeless corpse. Yet within that body held the memories of one whom was above all that walked this earth. For still lingering in that husk was a Celestial Maiden.

One who's body had yet to decay,as if the maiden was so noble. So pure, that even death frayed from claiming its fruitful prize. For claiming the soul of a divine being is that worth more than gold. Something so powerful in the hands of the underworld of could shake the very heavens and quell the flames in hell itself. A power so concentrated, something so relentless that even the God's feared how to reel in such a force. For even they would struggle to obtain that which was once lost to them. Yet here a spirit with such power continued to linger, refusing to leave those it had sacrificed itself to protect.

And it was because of this single spirit that its memories forever lingered through the halls. It was strange, almost as if Shizuka herself was there. Watching her children grow with a smile upon her face. As many of the servants continued to claim they had gazed upon the fallen maiden. Her presence lingering in the "Children's Nursery". A room which now held two child sized beds, with lovely dark blue sheets upon them. The room also had a fairly large balcony allowing those who stood upon it to look upon the vast lands belonging to Sesshomaru. There was once a crib in the room but the infants suddenly began to grow rapidly in age.

The twins now appearing to take the appearance of children at the age of at least 9. Showing their ethernal beauty and radiance that even the sun shyed from sight. As Lord Souma had now come to quite a young lord. Fairly mature for a boy then again he and his sister were both blessed and cursed. With the blood of a Celestial Being and a Pure Blood Yokai coursed through their veins. Giving the children not only beauty, but power as well.

Lord Souma stood with his mid length raven locks tied up into a simply ponytail. Stating that his hair would simply get in the way when it came to training with his father. But that was not all, in truth the young Lord detested his long hair. Wishing to cut it shorter, believing it would in fact reflect the true warrior he had hoped to be in the future. But something always stopped him, and it was gazing upon the sleeping body of his mother.

Her own flowing raven locks mimicked his own and at times the young Lord would find himself running his fingers through his mother's hair. And pressing his hand upon her own, able to feel the soul which clung to its host. For whenever the young amber eyed Lord was in distress. Or in need of assistance Souma would feel a sudden calm around him. And at times he could swear he could hear a female voice he swore belonged to his silent mother. A voice which held thr warmth the boy always dreamed his mother would feel like. Her words simple yet meaning everything to the quickly growing Lord. "Your strong willed like your father." " Stay strong, I am with you." Words such of these would fall upon his ear and please his heart.

Words that aided the boy in his darkest nights. Ones where his demon blood would cease upon him, flaring violently through his veins. The voice of the demon within him calling out. Wishing for him to give into the temptation. Give into the bloodlust that every yokai wished to quell. Yet Souma was different for the blood wrestled with the divine blood within him. Burning the young prince from the inside out upon these nights. His father claimed the pain would cease once the young Lord was able to control the unique blood which flowed within him. But those painfilled nights where his very veins felt as if they were set aflame, a gentle embrace that ever so gently rocked the boy. And that voice as if an angel were playing its enchanted larp, the voice would appear.

Whispering words of sweet comfort to his ear. Words that always stopped the fits, on the first night of that happening it was then that the young Lord believed the presence was infact his mother. And that she was never far from her mind and heart. Despite death. It was also the first moment his father ever spoke to him about his mother. She was beautiful yes beyond compare. Many said that as did his grandmother the "Mother of Celestials" when she finally graced earth with her presence. Bearing gifts and knowledge of the children. For his grandmother now called Shouko doted on the twins. Especially little Hisuri whom was just as spirited as even the most unruly stallion. For the little princess was no delicate flower just as Sesshomaru had assumed the moment he held the young girl.

For Hisuri was something else, bearing her mother's vibrant emerald orbs and raven locks, which Hisuri allowed to grow. Being told by her father that her feminine appearance would aid her vastly in combat. Something that the young girl showed vast intrest in as her brother did. But once again Hisuri was different. For her style of fighting better fit for that of an assassin. For she was always seeking that final strike. That immediate kill that would end her preys life. While her brother favored that of a samurai, seeking the honor in battle. While Hisuri at such a young at sought the rush. The blood. The crimson soaked battlefield. The rush of feeling the steel of her blade slicing through the internal organs of her target. Their blood staining the steel of her blade, to feel the last breathe utter as the body slumps against her. That was what Hisuri sought, and her beauty would be something that would aid her in the future.

Hisuri was a Daddy's girl, seeking time with her father in order to not only spend time with him but to also increase her own knowledge of the blade. Seeking to be strong just as her father was. For like her mother Hisuri did not wish to be a burden on her father. She could see the vast strain that was upon him. And wished to see that burden lifted from him. Because all she wished was to see her father happy. Her family whole. Away from prying eyes Hisuri would pray to the heavens hoping there was something that could be done. Something that could aid in easing her father's quiet suffering.

It was one night that the heavens finally answered. And gave her hope, hope that caused even the dormant heart within Sesshomaru to stir with such news. " Time draws near for when the full moon is high in the sky a window will appear. A window where the impossible. Where dreams can become a reality. For the heavens will bless you with an opportunity to obtain which has been lost Lord Sesshomaru." The Celestial Envoy began as she explained the situation to the stunned Lord. " We grant you a single wish, and tomorrow night your one true wish will be granted." The woman stated as Sesshomaru immediately turned his gaze towards the body of Shizuka. Already knowing what infact he wished for. Her very life.

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