ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟:

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        Harry stayed with the Weasley's, wondering why his sister hasn't gotten back with him at all this summer. Was she okay? Harry went to Diagon Alley to see the Weasley twins had a shop in the empty streets. "Step up! Step up!" The twins yelled to the customers from the counter. "We've got Fainting fancies." George spoke.

"Nosebleed Nougats." Fred added on.

"And just in time for school." George said. A boy stops chewing before turning pale green. Together, the Weasley twins begin to steer Harry throughout the store. "What'd you think, Harry?" Fred asked him. "Amazing." Harry commented. "Pocket that and you'll pay in more than Galleons, my friend." George told a browsing boy as they pass by. "We've got eyes in the back of our heads." The twins commented. The boy turned to look at the twins to see they do indeed have eyes in the back of their head. The boy quickly bolted away from the twins. "Bloody urchins." George spoke. Harry eyes the display of orange and black lumps. "Peruvian instant Darkness Powder?" Harry questioned the twins. "A real money spinner that. Handy if you need to make a quick escape. Hello, ladies.: Fred said before walking off towards Ginny and Hermione who were looking at the display of Wonder Witch Love potions. "Yes, they do really work." George spoke towards them. "Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own." Fred said.

"Meaning?" Ginny asked her older brothers. "Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" Fred questioned Ginny. Harry pretended to consider a rack of Ten second pimple Vanisher, but he was secretly eavesdropping. "None of your business." She spoke. "These are adorable." Hermione said as she looked at the small round balls of fluff squeak. "Aren't they now. Pygmy Puffs. Can't breed them fast enough." Fred told Hermione. Cormac McLaggen passed behind Hermione with his eyes on her. Noticing, she turns around, a faint smile on her face. Ron started to beg his brothers for something from their store before Harry, Hermione, and Ron would walk out the store to the empty streets.

Lilac looked at the empty store of Ollivander's wand shop before hearing the trio. She would need to talk with Harry, make him understand what she is about to do. "How is it Fred and George are doing it? Half the alley's closed down." Hermione said as they walked down the street. "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron spoke. "Reckon he's right." Harry and Lilac said in unison. Harry looks up to see his sister right in front of them, she looked exhausted. "Ollivander's... everyone got their wands there, young or old." Lilac said. "Good or bad. Speaking of which..." Harry said before looking at Draco and Narcissa. Lilac sighed, "Harry... Don't follow them." She told the trio. "Is it just me? Or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron questioned. Lilac crossed her arms, 'Harry, listen to me carefully. I need to do somethings that will make me bad but I'm doing it to protect everyone.' Lilac told Harry within their own connection. She smiled softly before walking after Draco and Narcissa. Harry, Ron, and Hermione started to walk after them.

At the end of the alley, there was a single shop: Borgin & Burkes. The trio enter into the shop, they greet the stooped man. He walks them over towards a cabinet before walking away. Draco plays his fingers over its glassy surface. Narcissa speaks, Draco turns to face her. Lilac motions for them to go to the back room. "What're they playing at?" Ron said. Harry watched his sister with a saddened face, "Dunno. Let's get closer." Harry said. Ron then questioned where Hermione is.

Hermione moves through the shadows, alone, peering down the side streets. Each darker than the next, she was cautiously moving down the streets, lost. A shadow flickers overhead, Hermione quickly looks up to see a figure on the roof, jumping. She stands perfectly still, she hears Harry and Ron races down the passage then another. "Harry, where is she?" Ron questioned. "I don't know... I'm turned around." Harry said. Hermione creeps to the end of a narrow passage, towards the voices. She then spots herself behind Borgin & Burkes, she notices figures an old cauldron. She sees Greyback, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Draco, and lastly Lilac. Hermione squints against the brilliance of the fire, the figures twisting like Giacomettis. Draco extends his left arm towards them, a shadow falls over Hermione. She wheels, terrified to find Ron. "Bloody hell." Hermione murmured. "Sorry." Ron mumbled as he looked at her. Just then, the cauldron exploded with light, the group disperses. "What just happened?..." Harry mumbled.

"I have no idea..." Hermione whispers as they stare into the smoke of the cauldron. Some days later, it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together, Hermione holding a book called Advance Rune translation. Ron had Harry's invisibility cloak play through his fingers. "Don't you see, it was a ceremony. An initiation." Harry told them. "Stop, Harry. I know where you're going with this-" Hermione spoke, her voice calm.

"It's happened. He's one of them.... And Lila could also be." Harry spoke. "One of what?" Ron questioned as he looked towards Harry. "Harry is under the impression that Draco Malfoy is now a Deatheater. He even thinks that his sister is as well." Hermione spoke. "You're barking. What would you know who want with a sod like Malfoy?" Ron questioned him. "So what's he doing in Borgin and Burke's? Browsing for furniture?" Harry questioned them, he was under the impression that Draco and Lilac was a Deatheater. "It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron spoke. "Look. His father's a deatheater. It only makes sense. Besides, Hermione saw it. With her own eyes... The only question is why was Lila there?" Harry said. "I told you. I don't know what I saw." Hermione snapped at Harry. Harry rose, snatching the cloak from Ron's hands.

"I need some air." Harry mumbled before walking off.

Lilac tilted her head on the window outside, Draco right besides her. Crabbe and Goyle was inside one compartment, sleeping away. Emersyn and Theo was in another. However, Draco was with Lilac, Pansy, and Blaise. Harry studied Draco carefully, he reached into his pocket, removing a orange and black lump Fred gave him. Harry pitches the lump into the air, it soars through the door, exploding with smoke. Panicked voices surround the train cart. Lilac waved her hand over her face, coughing. Draco looks around warily, students returning to their seats. "What just happened? Blaise?" Draco questioned. Draco then held Lilac's hand under the table. "Don't know." Blaise tensed. A small bag rumbles from the luggage rack. Draco and Lilac look up, eyeing the bag. "Relax, boys. The lights went out is all. Come on, Draco. We'll be at Hogwarts before you know it." Pansy said.

Lilac rolled her eyes at Pansy, she always hated her. Lilac smiled as she kissed his cheek. "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue on for another two years." Draco spoke. Lilac glared at Draco before sighed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy questioned. "Let's just say I don't think you'll be seeing me wasting my time in Charms class next year." Draco said. Pansy glanced towards Blaise, who snorts derisvely. "Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end." Draco told him. Blaise shakes his head, smiling before looking out the window. Draco looks at the upper rack as the Hogwarts express goes into the station.

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