Chapter 1: New girl

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I looked out the window of the school bus. It was raining so hard it sounded like bullets hitting the roof. I grew up in a bright and sunny world, now I live in a dump. The school drove over pot holes and splashed whoever was in sight. Teenage boys in the back jumped whenever we hit a speed bump and yelled. I could tell they didn't have mates; no man would act so childish if they had a mate.

As the bus came to a stop, I waited for everyone to get off. I walked up to the front and looked at the bus driver. I nodded my head to her as in saying thank you. I didn't like talking to begin with and saying something like thank you made me feel awkward.

"You're welcome kid." She laughed.

I quickly got off the bus and stepped into a muddy puddle. My white shoes were now brown with mud covered half of them .

"Great." I whispered to myself.

I walked as quickly as I could into the school. I stamped my feet onto the matt to get water out of the cracks of my shoes. I shook my head to get water out of my hair. I sniffed the air and it smelled like wet dog. Even though I was a werewolf, I couldn't stand the smell of wet fur.

A group of teenage boys ran past me and nearly knocked me over. I growled softly and kept on walking. I found the office and walked in. . I sat down in a chair and looked around the office. I saw photos of a football team and cheerleading girls. I went to look over the photos when someone walked around the corner.

"You must be the new student." A lady said.

I looked at her and nodded. She looked at me up and down and raised an eyebrow. I looked down at my feet and noticed how dirty I looked.

"Come with me." She said firmly.

I got up and followed her to a room. She closed the door behind herself and sat down. She signaled for me to sit across from her, so I sat down in the chair. It made a awkward squeaking noise as I sat down.

"Aurora Jones. It's a pretty name." She said.

"Thank you." I said softly.

"I'm Mrs. Bird." She said.

She held her hand out and I shook it. I had never been the new kid because I never left my pack. All of this stuff was new to me and I felt uncomfortable with the people here.

"I have some papers for you to sign. I also have your time table, a lock for you and a locker." Mrs. Bird said.

I nodded. She handed me the papers and I signed them. I gave them back to her and she handed me my timetable.

"I'll have someone show you the way to your classes." Mrs. Bird said.

I nodded and followed her out. She tried making small talk, but I didn't answer her.

"You don't talk much kid. You should, your voice is beautiful." She said.

"Thank you." I said as I smiled.

"Stay here and I'll go get someone." She said.

She walked away. I started looking around the office. My eyes stopped at the football photos. I looked at each person in the photo. When I looked at the last person, my heart stopped. He was so handsome. He had brown hair, and green eyes. He looked like the stereotype teen, for being a werewolf. I could tell he was a werewolf becuase of the gold around his eyes.

"Aurora, this is Ben. He will be showing you around today." Mrs. Ben said.

I turned and looked at the boy. He was skinny and tall. He didn't look like a nerd or a jock. Ben didn't seem like a werewolf, he seemed to look like a human. I have never seen one in real life, but something about him was off.

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