Chapter 16: Silence

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After the football game, I never left my apartment. I don't know how many days it has been. I stopped counting after the 17th day. Sophie stopped by once a day, but I wouldn't let her in. She would sit on the other side of the door and talk to me. I wouldn't answer her, I had nothing to say. I never heard from Ben, even though we lived in the same apartment building. My days were spent by watching TV and drinking wine. I finally got up from my couch and walked into the kitchen. I looked into the fridge and found no food. I looked at the counter and saw the money Beta Mia left for me.

"I'll just order a pizza." I thought.

I went to grab my phone. I remembered I threw my phone at Hunter. I looked out my window and saw a plaza across the street. My stomach growled loudly. I had two choices; I either go out and buy food or starve to death. My stomach growled at the choices. I sighed. I knew I had to go out. I grabbed my keys and looked at my wall mirror. I had sweat pants and a sweater that was too big for me. My hair was thrown up into a bun. I walked out the door and headed downstairs. I didn't see Ben or Sophie anywhere. I walked thru the lobby as quickly as I could. I walked outside into the rain. I pulled my hood over my head and walked to the plaza. I walked into a pizza shop. There was no one in there. I was confused.

"Hello?" I called out.

Someone poked their heard around the corner. He walked up to the cash.

"Sorry. We are slow today." He said.

I nodded at him. I looked up at the menu. After looking at the menu for too long, I ordered a pizza.

"Can I get it for delivery? I live across the street and I need to go shopping for some stuff." I said.

"Yea it's no problem." He said.

I gave him my apartment number and left the shop. I looked around the plaza. I hadn't been inside any of these stores since I moved in. I found a grocery store and walked in. It was a small store. I grabbed handful of things I thought I would need. I walked past the alcohol aisle. I tried with all my strength to not walk back, but failed. I ran back and grabbed two bottles of wine. I had some at home, but I needed more. I cashed out, and walked back outside. I pulled my hood back over my head and walked into the rain. I quickly walked back to the apartment building. There was no sight of Ben. I sighed with relief. I walked up to my apartment and unlocked my door. I shut the door behind me. I placed the bags on the counter and started putting everything away. I grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge and brought it to the living room. I turned my TV on. As soon as I got comfy, the door bell rang. I growled. I got up and opened the door. It was my pizza.

"Hold on." I said.

I grabbed some money from my counter and gave it to the guy.

"Thanks." I said.

He handed me my pizza. I closed the door and walked back to my couch. I relaxed and ate my pizza. When I finished my pizza, I was feeling tipsy. I had gone thru three glasses of wine and wasn't feeling sober. I was half way thru another bottle when someone knocked at my door.

"Aurora? It's Beta Mia. Open the door please." She said.

I sighed. I got up from the couch and walked to the door. I opened the door for her and walked to my kitchen. She walked in and shut the door behind her. I sat on a stool.

"How are you?" She asked as I sat down.

"Shitty." I said.

"Why is that?" Beta Mia asked.

"I don't know. Maybe has something to do with Hunter cheating on me and rejecting me. Does that ring a bell?" I asked.

I took a sip of my wine.

"Well, I'm very sorry." She said.

"I'm sure you are." I said.

Beta Mia placed a stack of money on the counter.

"I see you have money left over." She said.

"Take it. I don't want it. I can live without it." I said.

"Aurora, I'm worried about you." Beta Mia said.

"You shouldn't worry about me; I'm not your kid." I said.

I growled at her. She picked the money back up and put it in her pocket.

"I was just trying to help." She said.

"Well don't. It's clear as glass that I'm not supposed to be talking to anyone higher than me." I said.

Beta Mia sighed. She got up from her seat and walked to the door. I got up and walked to my couch. She opened the door and looked back at me.

"I wish you luck." She said.

I said nothing. She shut the door behind her. I growled out of frustration. I picked up the wine glass and threw it at the wall. I watched as it shattered into a million of pieces. Wine went everything. I saw a crack in the wall. I sighed and fell down onto my couch. I put my head back and put my hands to my face. What was I going to do now? I was completely alone. I had no family, no friends, and no mate. I basically dropped out of school. I had no future. Out of my day dreaming, I heard another knock. I growled at it.

"Aurora? It's Ben." He said.

I stayed quiet. I waited him to think I was asleep.

"I'm sorry I haven't come and seen you. I have been busy. Anyways, I got something for you. I wanted you to know if you would be my date to this." He said.

I was confused by his words. Date to where? I looked at my door and watched him slide something under it.

"Please talk to me. I miss you. I'm in apartment 401. Please tell me you will come." Ben said.

I heard his footsteps go down the hall. I got up and grabbed what he slid under the door. It was a brown envelope. I brought it to the couch. I opened the envelope and read the paper.

"You are invited to the Alpha and Luna Ceremony. It will be this Friday at 5pm." Read the paper.

I was confused. I looked down and read the names.

"Hunter Smith and Sydney Lancaster."

"That's the She wolf's name." Ella growled.

I threw the paper in the puddle of wine. I thought about it for a moment. I got up and walked out my door. I walked up the stairs and onto the fourth floor. I found Ben's apartment and knocked on the door. He answered the door and looked at me.

"Okay Benjamin, I will go on a date with you." I said.

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