Chapter 53: The outsider

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All I had on my mind was getting back to my family. I ran for as long as my legs could take. After hours of running, I still didn't come across the train. I was getting worried, how far did they go? I tried contacting Hunter, but I wasn't getting anything. I came to a stop after another hour of running. I was out of breath and needed a break. I sniffed the air and smelled food. My mouth watered at the gorgeous smell.

"We can't eat. We don't know who's out here. It could be humans or worse, vampires." Ella said.

"Fair enough."     I said back.

I forced myself to go the other way. My stomach growled louder than any Luna can growl.

"There's got to be at least a rabbit around here." I said to Ella.

"I'll take over; I'll find something to eat." Ella said.

Ella took over me and began tracking. It grossed me out to eat live animals, so I let Ella do the job. She enjoyed eating wild animals. The taste of blood in my mouth made me gag, but I am starving. Ella sniffed the air and caught the scent of an animal. She ran after the smell. Ella stopped in her tracks and looked down confused.

"It's already dead." She said to me.

I took over and sniffed the animal. It was a small rabbit and it was covered it blood. Blood was still pouring out of the wound, so it was just killed. I looked over the wound and saw the two holes. Ella cried inside my head.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"We need to go, now!" Ella yelled.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"We are on vampire territory! Run now!" She yelled.

I quickly turned around and began running. I soon realized Ella went too far into the forest. I couldn't find the train tracks.

"I got distracted I'm sorry!" Ella cried.

I ignored her and kept running. I heard something chasing me. I didn't turn around, I kept running.

"You aren't getting away mutt!" Someone yelled behind me.

Chills ran down my spine and I ran faster. My heart leaped out of my chest as I ran. I needed to get out of the territory, but I didn't even know where I was. I ran around a corner and was grabbed. I began rolling. I knew not to let a vampire get to your back, and I rolled as fast as I could. I came to a stop and jumping onto my paws. I turned and looked at the blood sucker. I growled loudly and then realized, I had dropped my clothes. I looked away from the vampire and looked around.

"Looking for this?" He said.

I looked at him and he held my wedding ring. I growled at him. He laughed at me.

"The poor mutt is mad because I have it's wedding ring?" He said in a mocking way.

"Are you alone?" I asked.

"You're a girl? Yes, I am alone." He said.

"I suggest you put my ring back in my pocket." I demanded.

"I don't think so. I'm surprised a rogue is married, I thought werewolves kill rogues on site." He said.

"I am no rogue, blood sucker. I am the Luna of the silver moon pack. Put down the ring, now." I growled.

He just laughed. I began to see nothing but red. I started going into kill mode. I stalked towards the vampire and growled. The smile faded from his face. He walked backwards as I walked towards him. His back hit a tree and he cried out. I bared my teeth at him and growled. He dropped the ring and put his hands up.

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