Chapter 12: The return of the Alpha

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Hunter starting leaving his shield down. I would leave my down when he had this down. He wouldn't say anything to me.  I could hear Alpha sometimes talking to Hunter. I would listen for a while, than feel guilty. I missed him the less he would talk to me.

"Hunter? I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean what I said." I said thru our connection.

I knew he couldn't hear me. Most times he would ignore my thoughts. Before I knew it, it was Saturday again. Hunter and the Alpha would be back today. I was scared to see the both of them. I missed Hunter a lot, and I was sure he missed me. I went downstairs and found moving boxes. I was confused, but just shrugged it off. I walked into the kitchen. Isabella was standing in the kitchen. I sat down.

"Morning." I said to her.

"Morning." She said.

She didn't seem her happy self. Whenever I came downstairs, she was so happy and cheerful. Today she seemed upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked after five minutes of silence.

"I'm fine." She said.

"What's with the boxes?" I asked.

"I don't know. Greg brought them in this morning. He never told me what they were for." Isabella said.

I nodded.  Beta Mia walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning." She said.

She messed up my hair as she walked past me. I laughed at her.

"Shouldn't Loka and Hunter be back today?" Beta Mia asked as she looked through the fridge.

"They should be here by dinner." Isabella said.

"I kind of missed Hunter. He was a great help with Greg and kept Mandy company."  Beta Mia said.

"I miss him too." Isabella said.

I sat quiet. I missed Hunter, but I didn't want to say it. Memories starting popping up into my head. I thought of when Hunter and I shared pie at the restaurant and when we went to the sky Zone together. My memories were interrupted by someone clapping. I jumped up and looked at Beta Mia.

"Aurora." She said.

"Yes." I said.

"I asked you if you wanted to help cook for tonight's feast." Beta Mia said.

"Sure." I said.

"I'll need to go to the store. Do you want to come?" Isabella asked.

"Yea I'll come." I said.

Isabella grabbed her purse.

"Let's go then." She said.

*At the store.*

After what seemed like hours of shopping, we were finished. We filled the whole cart with food for tonight.

"I haven't made a feast like this for a while." Isabella said.

"I bet." I said.

"We have to celebrate them coming back." She said.

Once she paid, we went back to the car. I sighed with relief. Isabella turned the car on and looked at the time.

"It's one already? We better get home quickly." She said.

She pulled out of the parking lot, and we drove home. Thankfully, the pack house isn't far from the store. Beta Mia met us outside, and helped bring the bags inside.

"We are limited on time so let's get to cooking." Isabella said once as all the bags were in the house.

*Hours later.*

The chicken was almost finished when we heard a car pull into the drive way.

"Perfect timing." Isabella said.

I just finished putting plates on the table. I made sure everything was perfect. I heard the door open and shut.

"Hello?" Alpha called out.

"We are in here Loka." Isabella said.

He walked into the kitchen. He inhaled the smell of the food cooking.

"Something smells good." He said as he smiled.

"We were cooking a feast for your return." Isabella said.

She walked over to him and hugged into him. He laughed and patted her back.

"Come and sit down. It's almost finished." Isabella said.

"I'll go get Mandy." Beta Mia said.

I looked around, and didn't see Hunter.

"Where's Hunter?" Isabella asked.

"He had to stay an extra day. I have to pick him up tomorrow." Alpha said.

Mandy and Beta Mia came back into the kitchen.

"Let's get this feast on." Alpha said.

We all sat down at the table. Isabella grabbed the chicken out of the oven and brought it over. Beta Greg came and sat with us.

"How was it Loka?" Beta Greg asked as he sat down.

"It was great. Hunter trained well. "Alpha said.

We digged into the chicken. It was really good.  Alpha talked about the trip and how Hunter was doing. Near the end of dinner, Alpha looked up at me.

"Have you packed yet?" He asked me.

"Packed for what?" I asked.

Everyone went silent. Alpha looked at Beta Greg. He sighed.

"You haven't told her yet?" Alpha said.

Beta Greg shook his head. Alpha sighed. He looked at me again.

"Aurora, you could only stay here until you were on your feet. That was the agreement. Now you're on your feet, it's time for you to move out." Alpha said.

"Where will she go Loka? She doesn't have family here." Isabella argued.

"I have an apartment for her. She will live there." He said.

"How long do I have?" I whispered.

"Tomorrow morning you will be moving out." He said.

I slowly got up and tucked my chair back in.

"Thanks for the meal, Luna. I'll go pack now." I said.

"I'll help you bring the boxes up." Beta Greg said.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." I said.

I quickly walked out and to the front. I grabbed some boxes and headed upstairs. How could Hunter let his father kick me out? How could he be okay with this? I brought them to my room. I left the door open. I dropped the boxes on the floor. I went to my closet and started packing my clothes away. Once a box was full, I brought it to the door. I kept on packing until my room was empty. I heard someone coming up the stairs. Mandy came into my room. She looked around.

"It's so empty." She said.

"I know." I said.

"It sucks you have to move out. I was starting to like you." She said as she smiled.

"I'm still going to school. It's not like I'm moving packs." I said.

"I know. I won't see you every day." Mandy said.

She looked down at a box. She picked up a couple.

"I'll bring these downstairs." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

She disappeared around the corner. I heard her go downstairs. I sat down on my bed.

"Hunter? How could you let your father kick me out? I know you can hear me, please answer me darling." I cried out.

"I had no choice." He said.

He put his shield back up. What does he mean he had no choice?

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