Chapter 45: Released

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Aurora's POV

I was in the hospital for another week. Hunter stayed with me most of the week. He would go back to the pack house to shower and changed. My mother, Chris, Isabella and Mia came to visit me. They didn't bring Xavier to come see me; I didn't want him to see me sick. My ribs still hurt, but it wasn't as bad as when I woke up. I still didn't have a voice; the doctor said it would come back slowly.  I could move around by myself. I couldn't bend down to pick things up or tie my shoes. Hunter brought me clothes every day.

"Alpha, can you sign these?" A nurse asked as she walked in.

"What are they?" Hunter asked.

"They are Aurora's discharge papers." She said

Hunter took the papers and pen from the nurse. I smiled at him as he signed the papers. He handed them back to the nurse.

"Your medication is at the front desk. Pick them up on your way out." The nurse said.

"Thank you." I mouthed to her.

"You're welcome Luna." She said.

She left the room. Hunter looked at me.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asked.

I nodded happily. I sat up and pulled the blanket off of me. I hung my legs over the bed. Hunter grabbed the shoes he brought for me and put them on my feet. He tied them tight and patted my thigh.

"Let's go home." Hunter said.

I got onto to my feet and started walking towards the door.  I was given a walker for walking long distances.  Hunter stopped by the front desk. A nurse handed him a bag full of medicine. We walked outside and towards his car.  Hunter held the car door open for me. He shut the door when I got in and ran around. I was able to put my seat belt on.  Hunter got in and stared the car.

"Winter is going to be here soon." He said.

I nodded in agreement. He sighed at me.

"I miss your voice." He said sadly.

I smiled at him. He pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street. Thankfully, the hospital wasn't far from the pack house. Hunter pulled into the driveway. He didn't turn the car off, which confused me.

"I'm going to go get some coffee. I wanted to get you home first. "Hunter said.

I nodded. I took my seatbelt off and went to open the door. He cleared his throat to get my attention.  I turned and looked at him. He had puppy dog eyes.  I rolled my eyes at him. I leaned over and quickly kissed him. I hopped out and shut the door.

"Love you babe!" He yelled as I got to the door.

I made my hands into a heart. I watched as he pulled out of the driveway. He honked his horn as he drove past the house. I opened the door and the familiar smell of the pack house hit me. I was home again. I took my shoes off and threw them to the side.

"Aurora! Come into the kitchen." My mother yelled.

I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sat at the table. Xavier looked up at me and his eyes sparkled. He jumped off Chris's lap and ran over to me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" He yelled.

I picked him up and he hugged into me. I let him go after a while and placed him back down on the floor.

"Where's daddy?" He asked.

I looked at everyone, praying someone would answer for me.

"He's gone out for a bit darling. He will be back soon." Mandy said.

Xavier ran over to Chris and sat on his lap again. Mandy got up and hugged me. I grunted when she hugged me too tight.

"Steady on Mandy." Chris said.

I looked over at him and wiggled my eyebrows. He laughed at me and turned back to Xavier.  Mandy finally let me go and walked back to her seat.

"Are you hungry?" My mother asked.

I shook my head as I sat down. Everyone else continued their conversation and I just sat there. Not having a voice really sucked, especially when you're a Luna and a mother.  I listened to everyone talked and nodded my head when I was spoken too. Soon enough, Hunter came back.

"Someone help me! I got a lot of coffee." Hunter yelled.

Mandy ran off to help him. She brought a tray of coffees in and set them on the table. Hunter brought it another tray and sent it on the table. Everyone grabbed their coffees.

"I got you your favorite." Hunter said to me.

He handed me my drink. It was a caramel frappuccino. 

"Thank you." I mouthed.

I took it from him and took a sip. I would rather that drink than sleep. Hunter bought Xavier an orange juice. I smiled as he handed it to him.

"Thanks." Xavier said.

Hunter grabbed his coffee and began walking away.

"I'm going up to do some paper work. I won't be long." He said.

Everyone said bye to him and I waved.  I took another sip of my iced coffee and yawned.  I got up from my chair and started walking towards the door. I felt a pull at my leg. I looked down at Xavier.

"Stay down here mama." He said.

I set my drink down on the floor and picked him up. I brought him back into the kitchen and set him down on the chair. I turned back to walk away and heard him following me. I turned around and put my hand to him. He stopped in his tracks.

"Have some fun with me kid." Mandy said to Xavier.

I went back to my drink and picked it up. I slowly walked up the stairs. It hurts my ribs to walk up stairs, but it had to be done.  I walked down the hallway and into my room. I missed my bed. I set my drink down on the night stand. I noticed my phone was plugged in. Good boy, he knew I would want my phone. I went into the closet and changed my clothes. I threw my dirty clothes in the bin.  I sat on the bed and grabbed my phone. I went through the million notifications I had. I didn't bother to answer any of my texts, I'd do that tomorrow. I went onto instagram and looked at Hunter's profile. He had uploaded a bunch of pictures of Xavier. I smiled at the pictures. I looked at the comment. There was a bunch of people from the pack saying;

"I hope the Luna feels better soon."

I had the best pack ever. I went into my photos, looking for something to post. I found a picture of Xavier and I. I went back onto my instagram and posted it. I tagged Hunter, Mandy and Chris in it. I set my phone down and grabbed the remote.  I turned the T.V on and put Netflix. The first thing that popped up was the walking dead. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I texted Hunter.

"The walking dead and chill?" I typed.

I sent it and smiled. I heard him phone go off. I looked down and saw he read it. I saw the three little dots appear.  He sent the text.

"I'm coming. " He typed.

I smiled again. I unplugged my phone and grabbed my drink. I moved over to my spot and waited for Hunter to come in. Hunter walked in and closed the door behind him. He set his drink down and went into the bathroom. After five minutes, he came out without a shirt on. He sat down on the bed beside me.  I leaned over to him and kissed him.  I went to lean and to grab my drink, but Hunter beat me to it. He pasted me my drink. He grabbed the remote and turned on the show. I slowly laid back and relaxed. Hunter laid down beside me. I drank my drink as I watched the show. Once my drink was done, I past the empty cup to Hunter. I tried my best in cuddling up to him. After two and a half episodes, I fell asleep.

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