Chapter 38: Dealing with the Alpha

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It took me a couple of days, but I finally got back on track with working. Hunter wouldn't leave me alone. He was always in the same room with me. Xavier played by himself on the couch while we worked. I looked over at him once in a while. He was either playing with his toys or talking to them. A smile grew on my face when I would see him talking to his toys. After many hours of working, I put my pen down.

"I'm going to break my wrist if I write anymore." I said.

"Same. How about some lunch?" Hunter asked.

"You're cooking." I said.

"Fair enough." He said.

He kissed me and then got up. Xavier slid off the couch and ran over to me. He took a hold of my hand and we left the room. We all walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Chris and my mother were at the island when we walked in. Xavier let go of my hand and ran over to them once he saw them. I sat down at the table and Hunter went to go make food. Chris picked up Xavier and held him up.

"How's my favorite nephew?"     He asked in a kiddy voice.

"He's your only nephew." I said.

"For now." Hunter said.

"Shut up." I said.

Chris put Xavier down and he ran over to me. I pushed his seat out for him and he climbed on. Hunter brought over some food for Xavier.

"What do you want?" Hunter asked me.

"Surprise me." I said.

Hunter went back to the fridge. Mother got up from her seat and stretched.

"I'm taking Chris to the mall for the day. Do you want anything?" Mother asked me.

"Bath bombs from lush please." I asked.

"I will get you everything there." She said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Bye grandma!" Xavier said as mother walked out the door.

"Bye!" She said as she walked.

The front door slammed shut. Hunter cooked him and I some lunch. He brought me a big plate of food.

"I can't eat all this." I said.

"Please, I have seen you devour a whole pizza." Hunter said as he laughed.

"I was on my period okay! I eat when I'm on my period." I said.

"Fair enough." He said.

Hunter sat across from me and we ate in silence. Once lunch was finished, I took the plates to the sink. I heard Xavier yawn really loud.

"Nap time." He said.

"Yes buddy." I said.

I walked over to him and picked him up.

"We have something to do." Hunter said to me.

"Like?" I asked.

"Dealing with my father."  He said.

"Walk with me." I said.

I walked out of the kitchen and he followed me.

"What do you want done with him?" I asked.

"We can't kill him. It will kill my mother's wolf.  We will have to put him on a train and send him off somewhere. "Hunter said as we walked up the stairs.

"Where do you have in mind?" I asked as we came to Xavier's room.

"A couple states over. We will blindfold him and then set him free." Hunter said.

Mated To The Leader Of The PackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin