Chapter 31: The unwanted one

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I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen. My mother and Chris were sat at the kitchen table. Chris got up and walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight.

"Chris, you're going kill me if you squeeze me any harder." I coughed.

"I just love hugging you little sis." He said in a cuddly voice.

I struggled my way out of his grip. I straighten my shirt I was wearing.

"Where's Hunter?" Isabella asked.

"Upstairs taking a shower." I said as I sat down.

"It's about time you two had separation." Mia said.

I awkwardly smiled, and faced my mother. She placed her hand on top of mine.

"I'm glad you have a great mate like Hunter." She whispered.

"I'm glad to have him." I whispered back.

Isabella clapped her hands together and I looked at her.

"It's a pancakes kind of day." She said.

"I haven't had a homemade meal in ages." Chris said as he sat down at the island.

"Isabella makes the best food." I said.

"Thanks Aurora. Now, come help me." She said.

I got up from my seat and walked over to her. Isabella grabbed a pan and placed it down. I grabbed the pancake mix and put it onto the counter. I let Isabella mix everything together.

"Make as many as you can. I'll mix more if you need more." Isabella said.

She walked away from me and out of the kitchen. I laughed a little bit, but looked down at the pan.  I poured some of the mix onto the pan and then waited. I grabbed the pan and flipped the pan. I caught the pancake in the pan and placed it back on the stove.

"Where did you learn that?" Chris asked.

"Dad." I said.

He nodded. When the pancake was cooked, I grabbed a plate and placed the pancake onto the plate. I kept on making more and more pancakes until I ran out of the pancake mix. I had a large stack of pancakes on a plate.  Isabella walked back into the kitchen and saw the pancakes.

"Wow! I didn't think you would make that much." She said.

"I didn't either." I said.

Isabella walked past me and to the fridge.

"Bring the pancakes over to the table." She said to me.

I walked over the counter and grabbed the plate. I walked slowly over to the table, trying my best not to drop one. I successfully got them to the table without dropping the plate. Chris made his way over to the table and sat beside Mother.  His eyes were wide as he looked at the pancakes.

"It's a leaning tower of pancakes." He said

I heard footsteps come running down the stairs. Hunter came racing into the kitchen.

"I smelled pancakes." He said with wide eyes.

We all laughed at him.

"I know pancakes when I smell them, don't you laugh." Hunter said.

He started laughing to as he walked over to me. He looked over me and saw the pancakes. Hunter started to drool. I wiped the side of his lip and flicked my hand. Isabella brought to the table some fruits and whipped cream.

"I didn't know we had whipped cream." Hunter said as he grabbed the can.

"I bought it today and you're not going to eat it straight from the can." Isabella said as she took the can from him and placed it on the table.

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