Chapter 49: Packing

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Hunter and I took a break from working again to start packing. Xavier was ready to help us with packing. He was so excited to help. I couldn't give him anything heavy of course, he was only a toddler. He was turning five next week and I was secretly going out and buying him gifts.  We wanted to celebrate his birthday in a new house. Hunter started bring some of our stuff to the new house. I haven't seen the new house yet, Hunter wanted me to see it when we first move in.

I woke up to a bright light in my face. I opened my eyes and saw my window was opened. I growled at it as I got up. Hunter wasn't beside me, like usual. He is always awake before me. I closed my curtains over and stretched. I looked around the room and saw most of our room was packed up. We packed up our good bed sheets and blankets and were just using some old ones. I unplugged my phone charger from the wall and got up. I grabbed my purse and put my charger in there. I went into the closet and found the pair of clothes I left for myself. I changed into them and threw my dirty clothes into the bin. I went into the bathroom and did my business. I wanted to take a shower, but everything was packed up. I grabbed the hair brush and brushed my hair. I threw it up into a pony tail and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my hair brush and any last minute things that needed to be packed. I placed them in my purse and closed it. I quickly made the bed up for the last time. I grabbed my phone and slipped it into my pocket. I did a quick look over the room to make sure I didn't miss anything. I walked in the door and looked back. I sighed and walked out.

I walked down the hallway and to Xavier's room. I opened the door and saw him sat up on his bed.

"Hey buddy." I said.

"Hi momma." He said.

"Are you reading to start packing up?" I asked.

"Yea." He said.

"Come on downstairs." I said.

Xavier hopped off his bed and out the door. I followed him down the stairs. I grabbed two folded boxes. I saw a black marker on the side table and grabbed it.

"Hold this." I said as I held out the black marker.

He took it from my hands and looked at it.

"Run up to your bedroom now. Hop to it." I said.

He ran up the stairs and I followed. Xavier got into his bedroom and waited for me. I walked in and set the boxes down. I unfolded them and made them into boxes. Xavier handed me the black marker and I opened it.

"This box is for you. Put all your toys in it." I said as I wrote on the box.

He got up and ran over to his toys. I walked over to this closet and started taking clothes out. I took them off the hanger and folded them.  I finished his closet and went into his drawers and emptied them out. I closet the box and pushed it over to the door. I turned around and Xavier was putting the last toy in his box.

"Good job." I said.

I closed the box and brought it over to the other box.  I looked around the room and saw I would need another box.

"Stay here. I'll go get another box." I said.

I left the room and ran down the stairs. As I got to the last step, the room started to spin. I placed my hand on the wall as I tried to steady myself. After a moment, the dizziness left my head. I removed my hand from the wall and walked over to the folded up boxes. I went to grab one and realized most of my strength was gone.

"Are you okay?" I asked Ella.

"I'm fine. I don't know what is happening." She answered.

I dragged the folded box over to the stairs. I sighed as I looked up the stairs. I dragged the unfolded box up the stairs and into Xavier's room. I sat down and sighed with relief.

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