Chapter 44: Wide awake

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Aurora's POV

All I could feel was pain. It felt like I was being burned alive. I shot up and opened my eyes. I screamed out in pain and held my stomach. There was something covering my mouth and I could barely breathe.  Someone came running into the room.

"Doctor Luna is awake!" She yelled.

She made me lay back. Tears rolled down my face as I leaned back.

"Luna, there's a tube in your throat. You need to stay still so I can remove it." She said.

I nodded. I felt as she unscrewed the top piece and take it off.  She placed it down and touched the tube. I cringed at the touch.

"Just remain calm." She said softly.

I closed my eyes tight. I felt as she pulled the long tube out. As soon as the tube left my mouth, I started to cough. The nurse quickly grabbed a bowl and held it up to me. I spit blood into the bowl.  Once I had stopped coughing, she took it away. She handed me a tissue and I wiped my face.

"Excuse me for a minute Luna." The nurse said.

She rushed out of the room.  The taste of blood stained my mouth. I gagged at the taste.  The nurse rushed back in with a cup. She extended the table over me and placed the cup down.

"Drink the water slowly." She said.

I took the cup and brought it to my lips. My mouth was dry, besides the blood that was in my mouth. I drank the whole cup down. I almost drowned as I basically chugged it. The water slid down my sand paper throat. I placed the paper cup down on the table.

"Alpha will be here as soon as he can Luna." The nurse said

I went to speak, but nothing came out.

"You won't be able to speak for a little while. Your throat hasn't been moving since the accident." She said.

I nodded. All I could think about was Hunter. Where was he? Where was Xavier? Had anyone come to see me? All these thoughts ran into my head.

"Hunter?" I said thru our connection.

There was a loud echo, but nothing. It was like our bond was broken. Oh no, is our bond broken? I reached my hand up neck and felt for the mark. It was still there. I called out his name again, but nothing.

"Ella, what is going out?" I asked

She didn't answer either. What the fuck was going on? Why was no one answering me?  I heard a loud noise off in the distance. A growl echoed thru the hospital.

"Please calm down." Someone said.

"Where is she?" Someone yelled.

The voice was loud and firm. I couldn't recognize the voice at first, but then it hit me. It was Hunter. I went to scream out for him, but nothing came out. My throat was still dry, even though I drank a cup of water. He let out a growl that shook the hospital.

"She's down this way Alpha." A nurse said.

Footsteps charged down the hallway and towards my room. I felt the bile start to make its way up my throat. Hunter stopped in front of the door. His eyes lit up as he looked at me. My stomach made an upsetting noise. I tried my best to swallow it down, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. I bent over to the side of the bed and threw up. It hit the floor faster than rain. A nurse ran in to see what was going on.

"I'll call a janitor." She said to Hunter.

She ran off and left us. I looked down and saw that there was mostly blood on the floor. I bent back up and wiped my face with the tissue. Hunter walked over to the other side of my bed. He sat down on a chair and looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Hunter asked me softly.

I nodded softly. He put his hand in mine and shivered.

"You're skin is like ice." He said.

I smiled a little, but it faded quickly. I was freezing. A janitor came in with a mop and began to clean up my puke.

"How are you feeling Luna?" The nurse asked.

"Better." I mouthed.

"That's good. You should be able to leave in a day or two. We want your skin color to come back. "She said.

"Thank you so much." Hunter said.

"Anything for the Luna." The nurse said.

She left us back again and walked down the hallway.

"Can you talk?" He asked me.

I shook my head. He sighed and put his head down on the bed. I started putting my hair thru his hair. He purred as I did so. I shivered again and sighed.

"Do you want another blanket?" He asked as he sat up.

I nodded happily. He got up and walked out. I pulled the blanket I had over me and got comfy. I grunted at the pain in my ribs. The nurse came back in with a tray. She placed it on the table.

"This is something to help with your stomach. It should also get the bad taste in your mouth." She said as she held a cup out.

She went thru the food and the drink she had.

"Enjoy." The nurse said as she left.

Hunter walked back in with a blanket.

"It's a heated blanket. It's thick too." He said.

He threw it over me and tucked me in. I sighed with relief at the warmth. It relaxed all my muscles.

"I'll get you one of these if you want." Hunter said.

I nodded and he laughed. He stopped laughed and had a serious face. I turned my head in confusion. He rolled his eyes and looked at the door. Footsteps ran down the hallway and towards the room. Mandy ran into the room and looked at me.

"Buddy!" She yelled.

She ran over to me and jumped onto the bed. She laid on me and hugged me tight.

"Easy Mandy, she has broken ribs." Hunter said.

I patted her back. My ribs didn't hurt as she laid on me. She looked at me.

"I had to hang out with Chris for two weeks. It was horrible." She said.

"You like Chris Mandy so shut up." Hunter said.

"I do not." Mandy snapped.

"I can hear your thoughts dear Mandy, do remember." Hunter said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Mandy slammed her head back down and cuddled into me. I don't think I ever saw Mandy more loving than that day.

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