Chapter 14: She Wolf

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I woke up and felt something was off. My alarm clock didn't go off. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 8:25. The bus will be here in five minutes. I quickly got of our bed and ran to my closet. I then remembered I washed all my clothes. I grabbed my bag and ran out into my living room. I dug through my clothes and quickly changed. I slipped my shoes on. I looked down at my phone. It was 8:31. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I locked my door and ran down the hallway. I past the elevator and ran to the stairs. I ran down the stairs and to the lobby. I saw the bus outside. I ran to the bus and jumped in. I nodded at the driver and went to the back. I didn't see Sophie in the bus. I felt bad for not calling her back. When we got to school, I waited for everyone to get off the bus. I got off last. I looked at the parking lot, and saw Hunter's car. I growled at it. I walked inside and to my locker. Sophie was there waiting for me. I sighed and walked up.

"Hey." I said.

"Why didn't you pick up my call last night?" She asked me.

"I was busy." I said as I unlocked my locker.

"Busy doing what?" She asked.

"I was busy moving out of the pack house. " I said.

"You moved out? Why?" Sophie asked.

"I really don't want to talk about it." I said.

I locked my locker and walked away from her. Sophie followed me outside. We walked to the field. We were early as usual. I sat down on the grass.

"Have you talked to Hunter yet?" She asked me.

I shook my head. I looked behind her and saw Ben walking towards us. I got up as he got closer.

"Hey guys." He said.

I walked up to him and hugged him. He patted my back like how Hunter would. I growled on the inside about it.

*Lunch time.*

I sat outside with Sophie and Ben. I forgot to make a lunch and didn't have any money anyways. Ben and Sophie ate their lunches. I looked over at the football field.  I didn't see Hunter over there.

"Looking for someone?" Sophie asked me.

I looked over at her.

"He's around the corner." Sophie said.

I looked at the football field again. I waited for him to come around the corner. I waited five minutes and then there he was. My heart skipped a beat. He was with Mandy. Another girl came around the corner. I watched the other girl. She grabbed Hunter's hand. I dug my nails into the table. She kissed Hunter. I felt my whole body heat up. Sophie looked over at him. She looked back at me.

"Don't." She said.

I jumped up and started running towards him. Sophie ran after me, yelling at me. I didn't stop running until I was 5 feet away from Hunter. He looked at me.

"Aurora." He said to me.

"Asshole." I growled.

"I can explain." Hunter said to me.

"Who is this?" The girl asked.

"No body." He said to her.

"Now I'm a no body?" I asked.

"I didn't mean it like that." Hunter said.

I wanted to scream and cry. I wanted to hurt him. I also wanted to forgive him. I started running away, but Hunter grabbed me. I turned around and took a chunk out of his cheek.

"Don't touch me asshole!" I screamed.

He put his hand up to his face.

"You want to cheat on me with some She Wolf, go ahead. " I growled.

I ran to the field.  I shifted and ran into the forest. I heard someone running after me, but I didn't care. I kept running until my legs gave out. How would Hunter cheat on me? I have never felt this hurt in my life. It felt worse than losing my family. I decided to go back home. I ran back to my apartments. I shifted and looked for clothes I left for when I shifted. I quickly put them on and walked into the apartment building. I realized I left my keys and phone in my locker. I sighed. I walked up to the front desk.

"I left my keys in my locker at school. Can someone let me into my apartment?" I asked.

She nodded, and walked with me up to my apartment. I thanked the lady and walked into my apartment. I found my bag and keys on the counter. There was a note there also.

"I brought you your stuff. You're welcome. Ben." said the note.

I sighed. I went into my bag and grabbed my phone. I had texts from Sophie.


"Where are you?"

"There's a football game today at 4:30 today. Please come and meet me here."

I looked at my clock. It was 4:00. I cracked my knuckles.

"Game on, Hunter." I said.

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

*SHORT CHAPTER I KNOW! I wanted to post two tonight so here you go! Thanks so much for reading!*

Mated To The Leader Of The PackΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα