Chapter 27: Recovering

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Aurora's POV

I remember seeing Hunter. After he unlocked the chains around my body, the rest was a blur. I remember laying in a bed and a strange man sitting beside me. He told he was going to give me stuff to make me fall asleep. I nodded. I started falling asleep. It felt like I was under for only a couple of minutes. I felt someone touching my hand. I grunted as I wake up. The pain increased from my stomach, but my sides hurt like a bitch.

"Aurora?" I heard a voice say.

I couldn't make out the voice yet. I opened my eyes and found I was in a room. It smelled like a hospital. I jumped up as I panicked. I growled at the pain.

"Take it easy there." My mother said.

I looked at her. She was sat beside me.

"Where am I?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"You're far away from that hell hole, don't worry." She said as she rubbed my hand.

I laid back down and tried to relax. I looked at my wrists and saw the gauzed wrapped around it.

"There weren't any deep cuts for stitches." Mother said.

My stomach hurt the most out of my whole body.  My wrists and ankles only tingled. A man walked into the room and looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Is the pain better?" He asked.

I nodded my head. He looked over at my mother.

"I'm prescribed her pills for the pain. It will help a lot." He said.

"Thank you." Mother said.

"I'll have a nurse come in and bring you clothes." He said.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"You're very welcome." He said.

He left the room without another word. A nurse came in soon after with clothes in her hands.

"I'll give you a minute." Mother said.

She got up from her chair and left the room. The nurse placed the clothes beside me on the bed. She helped me up and onto my feet.

"Do you need help?" She asked.

I shook my head. She nodded her head and left the room. I heard the door close. I turned and looked at the clothes. I slowly took off the hospital gown. I placed it on the bed and grabbed the clothes. I put on the bra slowly as long with my panties. There was a pair of loose pants. I leaned against the bed as I put the pants on. I tied the strings together. I slipped on the comfy sweater. I placed the slip on shoes she left for me on the floor. I slowly put my feet into them. I couldn't wear high top shoes for a while. I walked over to the door and opened it. Mother was standing there waiting for me.

"You are ready?" She asked.

I nodded. I followed her down the hallway and to the front desk. A nurse handed me a piece of paper. I gave it to my mom, not wanting to look at it.

"It's just your pills darling." She said.

Mother thanked the nurse and led me out. Before we walked out, mother handed me sunglasses.

"You're eyes might not be use to the bright light." She said.

I took them from her and put them on. We headed outside into the bright light. For being a bright day outside, the wind blew hard. I shivered in my sweater. Mother led me to a truck. I saw a man leaning against it. It was the man that brought me in the hospital along with Hunter.

"Hello Aurora, how are you feeling?" He asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders in response. I didn't really feel like talking to another I didn't know.  Mother opened the door for me and I got in. She shut the door and walked around the truck.  I put my seat belt on, and we were off. I looked outside as we drove along. The pack grounds were pretty. Soon as I went to look out the other window, we pulled into a driveway. I took my seat belt off, and opened the truck door. Mother shut the door for me as I walked around the truck.

"My name is Ethan by the way." He said.

I nodded. We walked up to the pack house. Ethan opened the door for me, and I walked in.  The house was full of different smells. It all hit me at once. The pack house was bigger than I thought. I smelled the air, and got something. It smelled like pine trees and the winter. It was Hunter.

"Come with me this way." Ethan said as he walked past me.

I happily followed him down the long hallway. As we got farther down the hallway, the scent got stronger.  We walked to the end of the hallway and Ethan opened the door.  Isabella, Beta Mia, Mandy and Hunter were in the room.  Hunter turned around and looked at me. He walked over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea."  I said softly.

"I had a bed and a couch put in while you guys were gone." Ethan said.

I didn't say anything to him.  Hunter held his hand out to me, and I took it. He walked be past his mother and the others.  He brought me to the last bed.

"You should rest." He said.

I sat down on the bed. Hunter kneeled down and lifted my legs up. He took my shoes off and placed them to the side. I put my legs up onto the bed and laid back.

"I'm going to go get your pills. I'll be back soon love." He said.

He kissed my forehead, and walked away. I tried to relax on the comfortable bed. I soon closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Shut up mutt!" Jim screamed for the fifth time.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled back.

He started kicking me again. I yelled out in the pain. He grabbed me by my neck and held me up in the air. I scratched at his hands to let me free.  A door swung opened.

"Set her free." A wicked voice said.

Jim dropped me onto the floor. I tried to catch my breath. Cold hands grabbed my chin and make me look at them. It was the Alpha.

"Bring her into my room. I'll have some fun with her." He said.

He dropped me and walked off. Jim grabbed me by my ankles and started dragging me.

"Please no!" I cried.

My nails scraped the floor as he dragged me. I tried with all my energy to break free. He brought me into a dark room and the door slammed shut.

I broke out of my dream and shot up into a sitting position. I grunted at pain in my stomach. I looked around the room. Everyone was in their beds asleep. I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn't real. I looked over at the couch where Hunter was sat wide awake.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yea." I said

He still looked worried. I motioned for him to come over. He got up and walked over to the bed.

"Yes?" He asked.

I pointed to the other side of the bed. He smiled at me. He walked around and laid down. I rolled over so I was facing him. He pulled the blanket over us. I cuddled up to him, feeling way better.

"Night." He said.

"Night." I hummed.

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