Say A Prayer And Kiss Your Heart Goodbye

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I parked my car in front of my friend's house. I pulled my keys out of the ignition, then looked up at the massive structure and sighed.

"And one person lives here", I shook my head and said under my breath, "Tommy boy", and smiled, "Everything has to be gigantic".

The door opened and Tom held up his arms, "Harry!! Finally!", he pulled me into a hug.
"I always show up", I hugged him back.

"I've needed you here too many times to count tonight!", he said into my ear as he looked around the room, as I did.

The house was beautiful, with beautiful things and, as always, filled with beautiful people.

Tom took pride in his parties, always wanting his guests to have the best of everything. Everything from the drinks to the white sand behind his house that lead to the ocean was perfection.

Tom seemed to know everybody and I knew why. Sure, he was extremely successful, a very likable guy, friendly, witty, but he was also very kind.

He was quick to help others if they needed it and his fiancé, Olivia, was the same. Tom could be with most any woman he met, but he doted on Olivia.

She wasn't the most beautiful, she was cute, but it was her heart that he fell in love with.

He was a good guy and loved his friends, but was terrible at remembering people's names.

I, able to remember most everyone's names, was Tom's "name dropper". I helped him out by saying hello to a person, calling them by name, so Tom would know it when he greeted them.

"Well, I'm here now, don't stress", I smiled and gave Tom a squeeze on the shoulder. Tom signaled a server to bring drinks, he grabbed one for me and one for himself, then yelled over the loud music, "TO YOU, BABY", just before we clinked glasses.

I loved this place. It was always a good time, fun, yet a very relaxed ambiance. Nothing ever got out of control.

The guests were respectful, considerate friends of Tom's, it was a home away from home for a lot of the crowd.

Some often stayed with Tom from time to time if they were going through something and needed a friend. Tom's house was a mansion, but far from cold. It was a soft place to fall for many people.

I looked at the guests and saw a few new faces, one belonging to one girl in particular.

Even though I could only see her from her shoulders up and the lighting was dark, I saw that she was beautiful, but that wasn't what caught my attention.

Every girl at Tom's had beauty of some sort, but this girl had something different.

She was sitting with a group of people, including Olivia, Tom's fiancé. She was talking and then threw her head back, laughing, cackling and snorted.

She clapped, still laughing and leaned over to swat one of her friend's shoulders as they continued to laugh, but lost her balance and fell off of her chair.

Her arms flailed in the air, then disappeared. She popped back up into her seat, laughing even harder.

I couldn't help but grin at her playfulness. She was laughing the way you do when you can't stop and then it turns into hysterics.

The others were laughing with her, but weren't completely letting loose like she was.

She looked so effortlessly beautiful with her hair falling all over the place as she laughed. She was like a mixture of joy, freedom, beauty and a huge mess.

She was all over the place and not concerned with how she looked whatsoever in her state of hysterics.

She was just having a blast as she laughed herself into tears.

What set her apart from this crowd was that instead of trying to fix her crazy hair, hide her clumsiness and her snort, she embraced it all about herself.
There was no embarrassment in her, she had no apologies.

"Who's that", Harry nodded toward her, "sitting on the couch", he yelled over the loud music into Tom's ear.

"WHAT?!", Tom yelled back.
"WHO'S THAT?!", he pointed, watching her laughing with Olivia.

"OH THAT'S LYDIA. SHE'S OLIVIA'S COUSIN! SHE'S IN-" Tom yelled inaudible words at Harry, drunkenly gesturing, it wasn't helping that he was slurring.

I grabbed Tom's upper arm and pulled him from the room to an area of his gigantic house that wasn't as loud.
"Okay, so this woman? Lydia?"

Tom smiled looking down at the floor while he shook his head from side to side, "Yeah, but don't waste your time, man", he laughed out the last few words, "You're barking up the wrong lesbian tree".


"Well, actually, I don't know if that's true", he put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it, inhaled and breathed out, "...that's just what every guy's decided...", he exhaled.

As drunk as he was, he was fighting to stay upright, "We'll all go out sometime, she's cool, you'll like her", he yawned out.

Harry walked back in the room and couldn't help noticing the body language of all of the people that the girl was sitting with.

How they all leaned toward her like they needed more of her, like they didn't want to miss a thing she said or did.

After they calmed down, she said something into the ear of the girl next to her and then stood up.
And Harry's eyes widened.

The guests at these parties came dressed to impress everyone.

They were nice people, Tom's friends, but they all wanted to "look the part", glamorous, sexy, gorgeous.

This girl was wearing a sheer swimsuit coverup over a dark coral colored bikini. Yes, they were beachside, but no one came to these parties dressed like that.

It wasn't a shocking look or anything, I just wasn't expecting it, so it took me by surprise, which didn't happen often.

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