In Niall's Arms

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Niall kept checking his phone and I could see him becoming more and more anxious.
He brought it to his ear again.

"Gwen, if you don't call me back within the next five minutes, I'm going to come looking for-"

Niall heard a faint chime before he could finish his voicemail message and looked at his phone.

Gwen: Niall, I'm in bed-I'll call you tomorrow

Niall huffed at the message.

"I'm going to call a cab to go check on Gwen, do you need a ride?", Niall asked me.

"No, don't call one, I have a driver, he'll take us to Gwen's", I said and Niall nodded, then followed me to the front entrance where Ty picked us up.

Niall couldn't help but be impressed with my ride. He looked at me curiously and I just lifted up my shoulders and said, "Zayn".
He didn't say anything, he just nodded.

I could tell he was in deep thought about Gwen, but I had to ask.
"Why are we checking on Gwen? Is everything okay?", I looked at Niall.

"I hope so", he sighed and looked out of the window.
That short answer told me to stay quiet and we rode in silence until we got to her place.

"Stay here", Niall opened his door.
"Wh-", I moved to get out with him.

"Lila. Please", Niall looked me in the eyes, pleading.
"Okay", I said, sitting back.

Before Niall got out, Ty spoke up.
"Sir, may I be of any assistance to you?"

"Oh, no, thank you. I'll let you know if I could use a hand, though. I appreciate that very much", Niall said.
"Yes, Sir", Ty nodded.


I ran up to Gwen's door and tried the handle, it was locked. I got out my keys, found the spare that Gwen gave me and got inside.

"Gwen?", I said loudly, turning on a light.
"Gwen", I said louder, walking to her bedroom, opening it and turning on the light.

Her bed was empty.

"Fuck", I cussed under my breath.
"I fucking knew it".

I swear, if I find her at Theo's

"Can you take us to 2144 Oceanfront, Amalia?", I asked Ty as I climbed back in the car next to Lila.
"Of course, Sir", Ty quickly got us to that address.

I didn't have to ask Niall who lives here.
This time I followed him out of the car and Niall turned to me.

"Lila, get ba-"
"No, Niall! She's my friend too!", I frowned at him.
"Look, Lila, if something happens, I don't need to be worrying about you! Just stay in-"

I walked past Niall and he grabbed my arm.
We both heard Ty get out of the car and clear his throat, we turned to look at him and he was staring at Niall's hand on me.

Niall immediately let go.
"Okay. Lila, if you come, Ty, would you please come with her?"
"Of course, Sir", he said and walked behind Lila who walked behind me.

A few seconds after I rang the doorbell and knocked hard on the door, a light turned on and Theo opened the door.

"Niall?", Theo looked at him, then to me and Ty standing behind him.
"What's going on?"

"Where's Gwen", Niall said.
"Niall, she-", but Niall interrupted.
"Don't deny that she's here!"
"Wait. Okay, just calm down", Theo said, but Niall pushed past him.

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