'Till We Torch It Ourselves

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"Niall!!", I hugged him, "I'm so happy to see you!!"

The song ended and a new one started. Niall's eyes grew big and his mouth dropped open.

"They're mixing in some 80's!!!! This is one of THE BEST songs are EVER!!!"


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He grabbed my hands, making me dance with him and I laughed, dancing along.

I LOVE this song
The fact that Niall loves 80's music too makes me like him even more

We were having a blast.
We danced through the whole song, singing every word of it.

Whenever I hear this song from now on, I'll think of this moment with Niall
I love that so much

When the song ended, we decided to go get another drink and find Gwen.

"Do you have any idea where she is?", Niall yelled to me.

"No, I'll call her cell", I reached up my dress and Niall raised an eyebrow at me as I pulled out my phone.
"It's a pocket thingy I can wear on my thigh", I explained, but he looked confused.

"Fuck it", I said and lifted my dress just high enough for Niall to see it.

He laughed and shook his head.
"You're a freak", he said.

"Oh wait, hold on! I got a text from her. She called a cab, she wasn't feeling well, she drank too much", I told him.

"Shit, I feel bad, I'm such a bad influence", I said, guilty.

I looked at Niall and he looked like he was mentally somewhere else. His eyebrows were drawn together making him appear worried and angry at the same time.

Without saying a word, he walked very quickly toward a door that led to outside of the club. I saw him pull his phone out of his back pocket and look at it.

I followed and went outside after him.

Niall held the phone to his ear and his other hand gripped his hip. He stood, looking down at the ground for a few seconds.

"Gwen? Call me right now", he said loudly into the phone.
He took it away from his ear and used his thumbs, typing something.

When he stopped, I asked him what was going on.

"I hope not what I think is going on", he answered, angrily.


I never meant to hurt Harry

I didn't know how serious he was about her

It's all my fault

Sooner or later the truth will come out
It's always does

I have to own up to everything and take responsibility so I can at least have one ounce of character left

"Harry, there's more", I forced myself to say.

"Like I told you, I love Liam....", she nervously traced circles on the counter.
"....but I couldn't stop thinking about Zayn", I told him.

"There was something about being in his house, that amazing se-", I stopped myself when Harry made a face, warning me.

"Hanging out with him. I got....attached, somehow, even though it was just one night. I....", I looked at Harry, searching for any sign of understanding.

The Lyre: Harry Styles FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora