The Waterworks

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Harry and I were back at my house and he just finished telling me the next part of the plan to find the other photographs.

I gaped at him, looking for any sign of jest about what he just told me, but he was completely serious.

"So, when do we do this?", I asked, in complete dread.

"I'll pick you up at four tomorrow afternoon ", he answered.


I left Cheryl's and drove back to Zayn's house.
When I pulled onto his street, I saw a few lights were on.
Lila was home.

I got out of my car and silently made my way toward the side of the house, but stopped abruptly when I saw a figure.

I saw the silhouette of someone standing, peering into one of the kitchen windows.


I watched Kaly in the kitchen with this blonde haired man, the same one that I watched her dance with at the club.

Who the fuck is this guy
And look at her
She's wearing the dress I bought her that night out in London
She's a vision
It's two forty five in the morning

I have meetings scheduled all day today. As much as I wanted to stay, watching, I had to work.

As I made my way to my car, I reminded myself that the cameras were being installed in just a few days.
The thought calmed me.


I watched Zayn drive away and then I made my way to where he had just stood.

I looked in the window, saw Lila and gulped, hard.
I involuntarily licked my lips as my eyes moved down her neck, to her collarbones, then her breasts.

I used to have a mark on that collarbone
All evidence of me being on her body is gone

That primitive sensation burned through me once again.

I angled my view to see more of the kitchen and instantly bristled seeing Niall sitting across from her.

They looked like they were having a serious discussion.
She looked upset and every part of me wanted to end whatever they were talking about, ending whatever was upsetting her.

I watched them finish the bottle of wine and envied every second of it.

They stood up and hugged.
I instinctively looked to the side and bit my cheek.

The last thing I want to see is another man have his arms around Lila.

If he tries to kiss her
I swear

They parted, turned the light off and left the kitchen.

A light in a hallway let me see Lila go up some stairs and Niall walked somewhere else, remaining downstairs.
I breathed in, in relief.

I walked to the front of the house and waited until I saw all the lights go out.
I waited for everything to settle, allotting time for them to fall asleep.

I took off my boots and made my way through the front door, then through a long hall.

I passed by an open door, hearing Niall's snores coming from it, then looked into the other rooms until I found the laundry room.

I snuck over to one of the washing machines and slid it away from the wall.

I pulled out the knife that I had in my back pocket, opened it and cut into the base of the hose that connected to the washer.

Water immediately began pouring from it, a quiet stream flowing out as steady as if I'd turned on a hose.

I made my way out and slipped back out of the front door, then disappeared into the darkness.


I was awoken by Gwen's voice.


"Mm", I grunted at her.
"Lemme sleep, Gwen", I said against the pillow.

"Niall! Look at the floor!", Gwen said, urgently.

I squinted up at her, her eyes big and worried.
I sat up and looked down at her feet.
The hardwood floor was covered with water.

"The floor is flooded!", she said.

I was still in a foggy sleep, trying to remember where I was and wrap my head around what was happening.

"I woke up a few minutes ago. Lila's still asleep upstairs. I came down here to get a drink and the second I stepped on the floor it splashed. I heard you snoring in here", Gwen said in a rush.

I pulled the covers off of me, sitting up only in my boxers.
I grabbed my jeans that were crumpled on a chair.

"What time is it?", I asked Gwen.
"It's a little after ten", she answered, nervously looking at the water.

I dressed and we went to get Lila.

"Oh my God!", Lila's eyes went wide and scared when she saw all the water.
"I've got to call Zayn! I don't know what to do! I need Zayn!

"Lila, I'll call my plumbing company and get them over here immediately", she nodded quickly at me while I got my phone out, but then stopped me.

"No, no, I....I don't know if Zayn would want....I've got to call Zayn!", she said panicked and I nodded, understanding her fear.


Zayn picked up on the second ring.

"Kalila?", he sounded concerned.
"Zayn! Oh my God!", I cried into the phone.

I heard a chair screech.
Are you hurt?!", he yelled.

"No, no! It's not me! It's the beach house! It's flooding! I don't know where it's coming from!", I cried.

I heard an exhale from Zayn.
"Thank God, Kaly! You scared me to death", I could hear the relief in his voice.

"Zayn! I'm so SORRY! I don't know what HAPPENED! I'm so sorry, Zayn!", I was crying hard now.

HOW do I fuck everything up
No matter what

"I don't know what to do! What do I do?!? Please come home!", I cried
and begged him.

"Kaly? Baby? Listen to me. I'll be there as soon as I can, Sweetheart. Don't cry. Everything will be fine", the sound of his voice alone calmed me.

"Take a deep breath, baby, let me hear you", he said, gently, calming my frantic heart.

I sniffled and nodded and rubbed my eyes.
"Okay", I cried out, "Okay", I repeated in a whisper, taking a deep breath.

"That's it, baby", he repeated a few times until my breathing slowed.

"Now, listen, Kaly. Go to the club spa. Just go and relax until I get there, okay?"

"M'kay", I said, my nose stuffed up.
"Aw, baby, that sounds so sad", he lightly laughed with pity at my stuffy nose.

My sniffles quieted down.
"Can I bring my friends?", I asked, like a child asking her father, with a stuffy nose, to boot.

I could hear the ache in Zayn's voice, listening to the child that I still am in many ways.
"Yes, Baby", he cooed.
"Bring your friends. Whatever you want. I'll see you when I get there"

"Okay", I was so relieved and thankful for him.
"I love you", I said, and I meant it.

I silent second passed before I heard his voice come through, filled with love.
"I love you, too".

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