That Girl Is A Problem

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I watched the bartender hand her another drink. She took it, looked him in the eye and thanked him with a sincere smile.

She was sweet. She was just real. Everything that came from her was her, not someone she thought people wanted to see.

As she stood leaning against the bar with her fresh drink, I was suddenly aware of all the eyes on her.

Every guy's head, even some girls, was turned her way and looking her body up and down.

Before I thought it over, I had grabbed a towel and was walking to her, holding it open to cover her with it.

Yep, I guess I'm her big brother figure after all.

"It's getting cold" I said and wrapped the towel around her shoulders.

"Oh, ah," She didn't resist, she just looked at me with a smile like she was trying to figure me out.

"Did you come here alone?" I asked her seriously, almost sternly.
"Yes, Harry, I did", she kept the same smile, but her eyebrows furrowed again, "I feel like my lecture is coming".

This time she was right.

"I don't like thinking about you drinking, wandering around alone, especially while you're wearing what you're wearing".

I took a deep breath while my eyes steadied on hers.
She looked back at me with what looked like thoughtfulness and taken off-guard.

"Well that's really sweet of you to be concerned, Harry, but I'm fine", her hand went to my shoulder as if to comfort me, but it didn't.

"Lila, you don't know me and a few minutes ago you went into a pretty secluded area with me", I ran my hand through my hair, getting a little frustrated, "It would've been easy for me to take advantage of it, do something to you".

Her expression was blank.
"'re right", she lowered her head a little and look away to the side, avoiding my eyes and it hurt my heart that she ebbed away from me.

"No, Lila, don't look away from me", my fingers hooked under her chin to tilt her head back to me.

"I'm not meaning to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed, I'm just...I'm just looking out for you.

I know that sounds crazy because we just met, but I just do", I smiled at her, "maybe I was your father in another life".

Her eyes looked to her side, like she was checking to see if people were looking at us, which they were. I didn't care.
"I have to go", she said quietly.
"Where are you going?" My hand lowered away from her chin.

"I have to get up early" she said a little louder.
"Again, where are you going?", I said a little louder as well.

"I'm staying with a friend. His house is not far. I walked here. I'm fine, Harry", she smiled friendly.

"Why aren't you staying with Olivia?", I asked.
"Oh, I-I just wanted to....spend some time with my friend tonight...", she looked away from me again.

"I'm walking you to your friend's", I wrapped my hand around her upper arm, "don't argue".

She didn't argue, but for some reason she looked nervous.

"What's wrong?", I asked gently as we walked.
"Nothing, nothing. It's late", she half smiled, "I had too much to drink".

We walked in silence for a few seconds, I glanced over at her constantly. She stopped one house away from Tom's house.

"Well, this is it. Thank you for walking me", she laughed.
"Oh. You weren't kidding, your friend's Tom's neighbor", I shook my head, smiling.

"Well, I better head inside", she said, rocking back and forth and looked back at Tom's house like she was waiting for me to leave.

"Okay, well, I'll stay over at Tom's tonight, would you join us for an early breakfast tomorrow? Around 6am?"
I liked her. A lot.

I wanted to be around her again.
She smiled, "Yeah, sure. I'll walk over".

"Great", I smiled back and before I knew it I kissed her cheek.

As I began to pull away, she turned her face toward the side of mine and lifted her lips up, meeting mine.

My eyes were open looking at her, but her eyes were closed. She held the kiss for a few seconds, then pulled away.

"Goodnight", then she turned and walked toward her friend's patio steps.
I just stood there, staring at her walk away.

I turned to make the short walk back to Tom's, confused about what just happened, but didn't want to make too much of it.

Friends kiss.
She was just thanking me.

About half of the crowd at Tom's had left, thank goodness. I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat.

A group of girls were sitting at a small table with some coffee, I saw Olivia as one of them.
Olivia noticed me, smiled, stood and walked over.

"Harry, hi!", she smiled, bringing me into a hug.
"Hello, Beautiful", I hugged back.

"Tom's looking for you, I think they're wanting to start up a game", she said smiling and rolling her eyes.

"Uhh, no. It's too late. I'm tired", I said groggy, "And hungry" and popped a stuffed mushroom in my mouth.

One of the girls sitting with the group got up and walked over to us.
"Olivia, I'm going to head to bed, thank you so much, this was amazing", she leaned over to hug her.

Olivia hugged her back, "Of course! See you in the morning", they pulled away and Olivia faced me.

"Harry, I don't think you've met my cousin, Lydia", she smiled, "Lydia, this is Harry, one of Tom's closest friends".

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