The Things You Know That We Shouldn't Do

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"Oh, c'mon, Cullen", Louis said.
"We're all playing"

"I'm not playing that ridiculous game. And Gwen isn't either, so give it a rest", Cullen said over his shoulder, as he walked toward the kitchen of the condo we had rented.

Liam, Niall, Cullen, Louis, Gwen, Dani, Cheryl and I decided to play "Never Have I Ever", the drinking game version.

It was two years ago.
We were all in Oahu, Hawaii, celebrating Louis' twenty-fourth birthday.

Everyone was ecstatic that we could all coordinate vacation time and were on the island for the week.

It was our third night in Oahu and after we had dinner and got back to the condo, we just wanted to have some silly, light-hearted fun.

"Fine, be a stiff", Louis teased Cullen as Cullen walked out of the room, no doubt to clean up any mess he found.

Gwen sat down at the table with us after Cullen left the room.

"Alright, so someone says, for an example, "never have I ever been to Africa".
If you have, you drink a shot, if you haven't, you don't", Liam said, then gestured to the bowls in the middle of the table.

"After drinking, dip your shot glass into whichever bowl you want to refill it with. The clear one is for a Kamikaze, the dark is straight whiskey and for you light-weights, the pink is for a Barbie Shot"

"Got it", Dani said, giving him a thumbs up.

"Alright, Louis, why don't you start?", Niall said.

"Okay....never have I ever stolen something that cost over fifty dollars", he said, squinting at everyone.

Cheryl and Gwen both took a Barbie shot.

"What did you steal?", he asked them both.

"I was in high school. A friend of mine and I stole these shirts that were, like, a hundred each", Cheryl shook her head, embarrassed.

"I stole a ring that was around, maybe....seventy five?", Gwen answered.

"You Kleptos", Liam chuckled and they both shook their heads, rolling their eyes.

"Who're kleptos?", Cullen asked, walking back into the room.

"Now, now! You have to play if you're gonna get involved", Louis said to him in a parent-like tone, but Cullen ignored him while he looked at Gwen sitting with us.

"I said you're not playing", Cullen said to her.

"Dude, the girls wanted Barbie Shots and I made them", Niall said to Cullen, "They're mostly cranberry and orange juice, I only put a small splash of vodka and rum in".

Cullen gave him a look as if saying "alright, I'm going to trust you on this"

Gwen gave Niall a smile as if saying "Thank you"

Niall winked back "You're welcome"

I smiled at Niall.
Gwen had a lot of "older brothers" besides Cullen in this condo, but Niall was the sweetest one with her.

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