Drunken Kiss

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Zayn and I watched Lila drive away.

"What are you doing here", Zayn said, still watching the street, just as I was.
"I told you. We heard a crash and-"

"No. What are you doing....here", he pointed toward where he stared, where her Jeep went, "Running after her. My fiancé".

He took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one up and inhaled, "I'm always curious", he exhaled, "What was it....something she said, did? In your case, the kiss?"

I looked at him, but he still stared at the road.

"Kaly likes to play", Zayn took another drag, "She's a....free spirit or whatever", he shrugged and slightly rolled his eyes.

"She does things based on how she feels at that moment", he exhaled and smiled.

A few seconds went by and his expression changed from amused to serious.

"But those moments pass. And so does she", he turned, facing me. He had this look on his face, a mixture of threat, but amusement.

"Then she goes on to wherever the wind blows her next, but she always, always comes back to me.
Understand?", he added.

"See, most likely, right now, as we speak, some fool is following her around because she looked at him. You think you're the first one? It's just what she does", he said, gesturing to the empty space where she was a second ago.

"You were a moment, Harry. A drunken peck on the lips.
Nothing more", he flicked the cigarette out onto the road.

I turned to fully face him now, sizing him up for the first time.

Rich. Powerful. Easily intimidates, and likes to. Used to getting what and who he wants.
And he always does.

And I could read him like a book.

This guy just wants to win.
In every aspect of his life, he wants to feel that he's "won".

Reputation, education, house, cars, social life, career, family, everything.
I saw exactly what he was and exactly why Lila's been fooled by him. He's not who she thinks he is.

And I'm not who he thinks I am.

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