I Can't Contain This Anymore

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I was pulled from my deep sleep by a noise that made my closed eyes flinch.

I shifted in my hazy exhaustion, repositioning myself, annoyed with the sunlight that burned through my long curtains.

I was about to fall back asleep, but I heard something again.

Gwen groaned next to me, her body was moving, but I couldn't see what was happening.

Oh fuck
She was going to throw up

I sat up to get out of the bed and get a bin, but the next sound I heard from her stopped me.

She moaned, very....erotically.

The room was still dark, only partially highlighted by the sun through the curtains, but I could see her.

I looked down at her, her body under the covers, one of her legs was propped up, the other spread out a little.

Her lips were parted, her breathing moving fast, in and out of them.

I could see that she'd pulled her t-shirt off.
Gwen's eyes were closed and one of her shoulders was moving.

In my grogginess, I realized what she was doing.

"GWEN!", I shook her, not knowing what else to do, just wanting to stop what was happening.

She moaned again, not reacting to me and I shook her harder.

She suddenly opened her eyes to see me scramble out of my bed and away from her.

I could tell that she was physically struggling somehow, maybe having woken up from some kind of....dream.

She looked around the room, fast, like she was getting her bearings, then down at her naked torso.

When it dawned on her what she was doing next to me in her sleep, she covered her face with her hands.

What the hell do I say
Why didn't I just leave
Why did I wake her up
I didn't want her doing that
Fuck this is awkward
Say something
Pretend like nothing happened

"Gwen....I....better get moving", I said, getting dressed faster than I ever have.

"You going back to your parent's today or do you want to hang out here before heading back to campus?"

Gwen just nodded, now biting on a fingernail, telling me nothing, but I kept talking.

"You want me to bring something home from Le Heureux Matin for dinner tonight?", I asked without looking at her as I tied my tie.

"S-sure", she said, quietly.

"Okay. See you tonight", I said over my shoulder as I walked out of the room, out of the house and into my Ferrari, where I took a deep breath, my eyes closed.

Jesus Christ
What was that


Oh my God
Oh my God
What the fuck is wrong with me
Holy shit
My head feels like it's going to explode
That did not just happen
This is STILL not happening

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