Young Lady

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"I don't know, Niall", Gwen breathed out, "I literally met her last night, just like you".

I looked over at Louis and we smirked at each other. "Hungover Gwen" was very impatient and always easily irritated, it was very amusing to us.

She was getting tired of all my questions about Lila, but I couldn't help it.

Is she with that guy, Harry?
Did she say anything about me?
Does she live nearby?
What does she do?

I'm a twenty six year old man and sound like a twelve year old boy.

The three of us met up at my favorite cafe, Le Heureux Matin.
It had the best breakfast food in the entire town of Rosewater, worth every expensive penny.

When you pay fourteen dollars for a muffin, it better be good.
Liam and Dani would've joined us, but Ellie wouldn't have, she doesn't get out of bed before 9 a.m.

One of Liam's patients went into labor at a little after four this morning and Dani had an early dance rehearsal.

I finally asked Gwen a question that she could answer.
"Well, what do you know about her?", I said, frustrated, but smiling because I've been over the moon since I met a crazy angel last night. Just thinking back to her and Gwen wrestling on the beach made me smile.

My smile turned cheeky when I recalled that skirt rising up Lila's thighs.

I've been friends with Gwen for years and have never seen her let loose like she did with Lila. Gwen's always working. It was great to watch her relax and just have a good time.

And it wasn't just Gwen, we all gravitated to Lila, but I don't think anyone did more than I.

Yes, Lila was the prettiest thing I've
ever seen, in a league of her own when it came to beauty, but she seemed to know what really mattered and it's what made her different to me.

Gwen stretched her neck from side to side, trying to loosen her muscles, "Okay, let's see....I know that she just moved to Rosewater. She's only lived here for, like, a couple of days".

I sat, leaning in, eager to hear anything she could tell me.
"She talked a little about photography and at some point asked me if I surfed, but Niall, you have to remember how much I was drinking....last night's pretty blurry", she said, resting her head in her hands propped up by her elbows on the table.

"She surfs?", Louis said, him leaning in now, "Really...", he smiled and I frowned.
"Don't even think about it", I said to him.

Last night I saw Gwen and Lila exchange numbers and was elated that I had a contact to Lila through Gwen.

"Will you give me her number?", I asked before taking another bite of my biscuits covered with sausage gravy.

"Fine", Gwen said,  massaging her temples, "If it'll get you to chill...."

She got on her phone and forwarded Lila's contact information to me.
My phone dinged, receiving her text.

From Gwen:
Lila Heart

"Let me text her first, Freak", Gwen said to me, slightly smiling as she typed on her phone, "Let me send her a heads up first to see what she says".

I nodded at her and smiled as I looked at Lila's last name. Heart. It was perfect.

Five minutes later and two times after I asked Gwen if Lila had texted back, Gwen was officially done with me.

"Fuck's sake, Niall, just go ahead and text her. And you're paying for my breakfast", she snapped which made Louis laugh.

From Niall:
Hi Lila, this is Niall, Gwen's friend from last night. I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch today :)

I hit send and took a deep breath.


I looked at Lila's phone.

From Zayn:
I'm out front. Tell Harry goodbye and come.

I immediately put down her phone on the bar, a little too hard, and walked toward the front of my house, almost running into my head groundskeeper.

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Styles".
I kept my eyes on the front door as I grabbed his arm, sidestepping him, then patted his back, "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Harry", I mumbled as I reached for one of the front door handles.
Lila grabbed my hand.

"Harry! N-",
"Lila, I know he's rough with you and right now he's picking you up from my house. There's no way he's not pissed, so I'm just a bit concerned about you".
Lila pulled my arm.

"Harry, please just stay here", she pleaded, looking worriedly at the door then back to me, "Please", she said, "He's my fiancé, Harry", she looked down, away from me, "I shouldn't be here", she said more to herself.

I don't know why it hurt so bad, I knew this was coming. She walked past me,
quickly making her way out the door, closing it behind her.

I stepped over to the windows to see Zayn in a white Range Rover convertible in my driveway.

Lila ran to the car and quickly got in.
She faced forward, avoiding looking at him.

I watched Zayn turn his whole body toward Lila and take his sunglasses off. He said something and then yelled, making Lila jump in her seat.

She immediately turned, facing him, he looked at her.

My heart was beating so fast as I saw him lean in and point in her face, say something else, then throw his car in drive and peel out of the driveway.

I got dressed, fast, grabbed my keys and headed for my garage.


I ran to Zayn's passenger door, pulled it open and climbed into his car.

We both faced forward, not looking at each other.

I said in almost a whisper, "I...Zayn, I didn't....nothing happened"
From the corner of my eye I saw him turn to face me.
"Kaly. Don't.....LIE TO ME!!", he yelled at me, making me jump.

"Zayn! I swear!!", I looked over at him, my eyes filled with worry.

He took his sunglasses off and pointed in my face.
"We'll see about that, young lady", he said and threw the gear shift into drive.

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