Meet In The Middle

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She gathered her hair and pulled it over her left shoulder, blocking her face from my view.

I silently cursed and lowered my camera, but my eyes didn't leave her body.

He doesn't know who he has, sitting across from him in this little kitchen

I took a deep breath.
I watched her run her fingers through the hair above her forehead, causing a part, making her lips visible.

My eyes teared up and I raised my camera, just as I heard movement behind me.

I quickly ducked down and saw a man carrying wood to a pile in the distance. He was nowhere close enough to see me now, but could if he decided to make his way to the house.

I left the window and hid behind a wall of tall shrubs as I made my way up a small hill.

I turned around to examine my position and found that I was in a much better spot. I was far enough away that they couldn't hear me if I moved around and the aerial view was perfect.

I sat down and began refocusing my camera and adjusting the zoom and nighttime features.

When she came into clear view in the lens, I smiled to myself and resumed my photography.


I sat with Harry's jacket draped over my shoulders as he walked toward the Espiritu house to get water and a pain reliever.

The second he was inside, I hurried to fish the phone out of his pocket. Once I had it, I instinctually tapped in Zayn's phone number.

While I listened to it ring, I stared nervously at the back door of the house, hoping this would give me enough time.

Zayn answers my calls on the first ring.

I called Gwen and on the fifth ring, she answered, to my relief.

"Hello?", she said and I spoke in a rush.

"Gwen, it's Lila!", I said in a loud whisper.

"Lila! I've been calling y-"

"Please just listen!", I begged.
"I'm at two forty-four Highwind Valley, can you come get me?", I blurted, my eyes staying glued to the door.

"Yyyeah, I guess...are you oka-"

"Gwen, please, two forty-four Highwind Valley! How long will it take??"

"O-Okay, hold on, I'm mapping it..."

I impatiently shook my knee, then after a few seconds, Gwen spoke again.
"It says it'd only take me like fifteen minutes. What's ha-"

"Watch for me on the side of the road!", I blurted, just as I saw the back door open.

I ended the call, then quickly put my forehead back on my palm and pocketed the phone.

"I found some aspirin", he said, holding them out to me with a big glass of water in his other hand.

I drank it all so it'd be more believable when I told him I had to pee.

Once in the bathroom, I spit the pills that were tucked under my tongue into the toilet and got his phone back out.

I deleted the outgoing calls, then glanced down at a bar of soap on the sink. I used it to write a message on the mirror.

I realized it was more of a warning to him.

He couldn't trust me
Sometimes I couldn't even trust myself

Seconds later, I was out of the house and I ran as fast as I could to get out of sight. Once I reached a point where I was hidden by trees, I turned around to look back.

The warm lights of the small house glowed in the dark. A small shed was nearby and I could make out the faint glow of a couple of fires around it all. It looked like a little village and I smiled.

I shook my head, erasing the smile away, turned around and ran as fast as I could for what felt like an hour.
Finally, I saw Gwen's car.

She slowed to a stop and I jumped in, out of breath.

"What is happening?!", she asked me, grabbing my shoulder.
"Why're you out here??"

"Harry", I answered, between breaths.
"I was with Harry", I gasped in and out, still trying to catch my breath.

"Did he hurt you??", Gwen almost yelled with worry all over her face, looking me up and down for any sign of distress.

"No, no...", I heaved.
"'s...I had these memories...and while I was remembering, something was"

I was aware of how crazy I sounded, but it was all I knew how to explain at the moment.

"Please just drive", I said, closing my eyes, trying to slow my breathing.


I nervously watched Lila.
"But you're okay, you're not hurt", I said, checking again.

"No, no. I'm fine, it's...I had to get away", she repeated, but something about the way she said it seemed different.

"Well", I looked at her and smiled, "I'm glad you're okay. Wanna get a drink?"

"Yes. Seaside?", she grinned, her breathing was starting to slow down.

"Where else? Oh! I've been calling you, asshole! Zayn called me earlier", I said and she instantly looked over at me.

"What? Why?", she asked, anxiously.

"He was looking for you", I said, then told her my phone read "unknown caller", so I let it go to voicemail.

"Just press the last number to listen. It's sweet", I said, smiling, handing my phone to her.

When she handed it back to me, I couldn't tell if she was happy or sad or...was it guilty?

"Okay. What is going on with you, Lil?", I said, watching her.

"Nothing. Well, no. A lot. It's, I'm just fucked up...", she said and rubbed her temples.
"I just...I need to be with Zayn. I need him. I need to go home...."

I tried to lighten the mood and smiled a little.
"Oh, okay...I get it. Hottie calls and you ditch your beloved friend...", I teased, waiting for her to feign a laugh, but she stayed silent.

I looked over at her again. After a few seconds, her eyes went wide and the look on her face scared me.
"Pull over!", she screamed, making me brake hard.

"Lil?? Lil, what's wrong?!", I yelled, but she threw open her door and jumped out of my car.

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