He Can't Keep His Wild Eyes On The Road

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"You're coming home with me", Harry said and bent down, picking up my boots.

He followed me here?

I can't even pretend that I'm mad about it.
Oh God, wait, is Zayn here too?

No one's loved me like Zayn has. No matter why or how or how much I mess up, Zayn has always unconditionally loved me through it.

I don't deserve his love and here I am standing in front of this man, whose last name I don't even know, looking him up and down like he's a juicy steak.

"Oh, hi! Hi, Harry", I stuttered out and reached for the bottle of wine.
Gwen didn't miss a beat and grabbed both of our wine glasses, holding them up for me to refill them.

God, I love this girl.

"I'd like you to come with me", Harry said, with a thoughtful look at me.

Gwen, now armed with a full glass of wine, quickly, and very uncoordinatedly, stepped in front of him.

Attempting to mimic Harry's accent, but nowhere near it, she said, "She do-saint want to leh-v, she be with me, thar, Matey".

Harry just looked at her with one eyebrow raised, but I busted out laughing, leaning into her.

"You're so dumb", I laughed, "That was....part Irish, part pirate", I laughed out the last word, giving it multiple syllables.

Gwen leaned into me laughing and I lost my balance for the second time today, falling backwards and taking Gwen down with me.


Oh, good Lord.

Lila fell into the sand once again, laughing, hugging this girl, Gwen.

Their hugs turned into drunken wrestles as they started trying to pin each other down, playfully.

I was never going to get enough of this girl.
She looks like a mental patient right now and I want her more than ever.

The rest of Gwen's friends that were sitting on the restaurant's back deck made their way over to us, laughing at the two of them in the sand.

One of the girls brought Lila's purse and held it out to her, but I took it before she could.

"Thank you", I smiled at the girl. She looked up at me and blushed.
"Sure", she said quietly.
I looked down at Lila, "Come on, sweetheart".

I heard another one of the girls whisper "sweetheart" to her friend in my accent and look at me, also blushing.

Okay, I think it's time to call it a night.

During this little wrestling match that had them both in hysterics, the skirt Lila was wearing was a little too big and wouldn't stay in place.

It was beginning to hike high up her thighs and she was laughing, but struggling to pull it down because of the position that she and Gwen found themselves in.

I watched the two guys in the group notice this. They leaned at an angle to get a closer look of her body.

I bent and swiftly pulled the skirt down for her, then grasped her upper arm, pulling her to her feet.

"OW!", Lila winced and instantly stopped laughing, her hand flew to my hand, pulling it off her arm.

I looked wide-eyed at her and raised both of my hands up, as someone does when they surrender.

Lila held her arm and Gwen stood up, "Are you okay?? Did he just hurt you?"

Gwen looked over at me, my hands still up. The two guys who were looking at Lila instantly walked over and in front of her, shielding her from me.

These people barely know her and already feel possessive.
I know how they feel.

"Oh, no", I watched Lila try to laugh, "I'm fine, I accidentally hit my arm earlier today, he just bumped the spot, he didn't know", Lila reassured her.
I instantly frowned when she said "accident".

After a few minutes, Lila began to say her goodbyes and she and Gwen exchanged phone numbers.

I waved at Lila's new friends and put my hand against the small of her back, guiding her towards my black Hummer.

"Come stand in the light over here", I said, getting her under one of the restaurant's landscaping lamps.

I lifted her arm up to look at the part that I grabbed when I pulled her to her feet.

Bruises were on the underside of her arm and I took in a breath as I recognized them as two sets of fingerprints.

She pulled her arm down and held it tight to her body with the opposite hand.

She looked away from me and said, "I know what you're going to say. Just please don't lecture me right now", she mumbled.

"Why would I lecture you about something Zayn did?", I leaned over, trying to meet her eyes, but she stood still, avoiding mine.

She took her purse from out of my hand, turned and started walking towards her Jeep.

"Yeah", I followed her, running my fingers through my hair, "That's gonna happen", I said, stepping in front of her.

"I wasn't going to drive", she looked at me like I was crazy, "I need to get my camera", she sidestepped me.

I was surprised and happy and relieved that she wasn't going to fight me on this.

I watched her unlock her Jeep's door, lean in and come back out holding a camera.
"Jeez...", she frowned at me, "...I'm not a drunk driver".

I opened the passenger door to my car and I watched her scowl as she climbed in.

I smiled to myself at her and the fact that I had her in my car. I walked over and got in the driver's seat.

I started the car, looked over at her and sighed. I leaned over to pull her seatbelt across her, but jumped when she screamed.
"No!! No!!"

What?! I was just going to fasten your seatbelt!", I held my hands up and away from her for the second time tonight.

"I-Im very claustrophobic", she said very quickly, looking at the seatbelt hanging next to her.

"Okay....so you... never wear a seatbelt?", I asked.
"No", she said, looking over at me.

"Okay, Lila, sorry. You scared the hell out of me", I chuckled, hand over my heart with my left hand and and putting the car into reverse with my right.

She started to yawn and close her eyes.
"Why don't you tilt your seat back?", I said, "The nob's right there on the door"

"Mmhm", she hummed. With her eyes still closed, she felt around for the button for about two seconds, then gave up with another scowl, which made me laugh out loud.

I leaned over and pressed the nob back.
When I reclined her seat, the t-shirt she had on slid a little and her skirt slipped down.

I could see her stomach from below her belly button to the top of her black panties.

There was a tiny bit of ink on her hip bone, but her panties were covering the rest of it.

I could not stop looking away from the road to it. Her eyes were closed, she looked asleep....

I lightly hooked my finger under the top of her panties and pulled them down.

It was a shape...it was so tiny, I couldn't make it out...is that a kite?

The car started veering and my wheels ran over those ridges that make those loud bumping noises.

I pulled my hand away from her panties and jerked the wheel. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lila jump a little, but she was out.

I pulled up to my house, parked and got Lila out of the car and into my bed.

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