I'm Leaving You. No You Ain't

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I turned away and walked out of the kitchen, holding the ice pack to my cheek and Zayn following right behind me, repeatedly telling me to stop.

I grabbed my purse from the table in the gigantic foyer and went to reach for the door handle, but Zayn came up from behind me, blocking it.

"Kaly, don't leave", he grabbed my arm.
"Please just let me be alone for a-"
"Okay, yes, you need to be alone, fine, but I'll leave, you stay here", his grip tightened around my arm hard.

"Zayn....you're hurting my-"
He instantly let go, "No, Kaly, please....", he held his hands up, then laced his fingers together at the back of his head.

"Just don't....LEAVE like you ALWAYS DO!!", he yelled reaching out at me, "shit happens and you just....", he turned away from me and looked like he was about to cry.

Instead, he grabbed the foyer table, ".....just LEAVE!!", with a grunt, he flipped it over, the whole thing loudly went crashing against the marble floor, a glass vase shattering everywhere.

I screamed and ran away from him toward the back patio. He was really scaring me, he's never been more angry with me.

"Kaly, STOP!", Zayn yelled, running after me, "I'm sorry!", he shouted, but I had already made it to the glass doors.

I slid them open and ran along the side of the pool toward the stairs that lead to the beach.

"KALILA!!", Zayn yelled and caught my arm, "Kaly, STOP!", then whirled me around to face him.

We both heard a man's voice say, "Kaly?" and turned to see Harry standing at the top of the deck's stairs, Tom standing behind him.

Zayn and I stood there, out of breath, he still had me by the arm. We stared at Harry while he stood there looking at me in both alarm and confusion.

"Your fiancé, Kaly....", Harry said, looking at me. I saw his eyes go to Zayn's hand on me and then he looked at my cheek.

The confusion left his face and was replaced with anger. He quickly walked over to us and reached out for my chin, tilting my head to the side to get a closer look.

He then looked me in the eyes and I felt so embarrassed at this whole scene.
I looked down, away from him, but he still held my chin.

What the fuck?!", he yelled at Zayn and grabbed his hand off of my arm.
Harry stepped in between us, glaring at Zayn.

Tom took a few steps forward, not sure what to do, carefully watching every move being made.

"Harry!", Zayn fake smiled, breathing fast, still out of breath and gestured toward me, "Meet my fiancé, Kalila. Or Kaly, as I call her. Or, Lila, apparently"

"Fiance", Harry looked at me, then back to him, "Today. At the beach....y-you were helping me to get in touch with Lila-"

"No", Zayn interrupted, "When you said you met a "friend" of mine named Lila at a party, I decided to play along to find out what exactly Kaly had been up to last night", he turned to look at me as he said the last five words, "see, she told me she was going to do some night shooting. She was obviously up to other....things", he finished, looking Harry up and down.

"You said she doesn't have relationships, that she's not capable of them", he said to Zayn.

Harry then turned to me, "You said you don't date....and....you're engaged?"

I fidgeted, rubbing my arm where Zayne roughly grabbed it, twice.

"All of that's true", Zayn said flatly, looking at me, "Every single bit of it".

Harry seemed to shake off his confusion, "Listen, we were out back next door and heard a loud crash. We ran over to check-"

"Everything's fine.", Zayn snapped, cutting him off, "Thank you".

Harry looked over at me, "She's got a bruise on her cheek and it didn't look like she wanted you grabbing her", he said to Zayn.

"That was an accident as well as none of your business", Zayn said, "thank you for your concern, but I think you've been involved enough in our lives".

Harry walked closer to him, staring him down.
"I make it my business when I see a bruised up woman", he was inches away from Zayn and Tom walked over to stand in front of me.

Zayn closed the gap between them even more, not blinking, "I think you should probably take your friend there and get going", he glared back at Harry.

"We'll go", Harry said calmly, "And she's coming with us".

"Excuse me??", Zayn smiled incredulously at Harry.

"Lila.", Harry said, never took his eyes off of Zayne, "Go with Tom. I'll be there after I finish up here."

Tom turned and gestured for me to walk with him towards the stairs leading down to the beach, but I stood there not knowing what to do.

Zayn didn't mean to hit my cheek. He's my fiancé.

He just snapped because I cheated on him with the man standing in front of him right now.

He was at his wits end with me and, yes, grabbed me too hard and broke some things, but I was the one who cheated.

I was the one trying to leave instead of dealing with things like an adult. I created all of this. He was just reacting to my actions.

"Do you think I'm going to let two strange men take my fiancé somewhere?!", Zayn yelled.

"Harry, I'm fine", I stepped closer to where he and Zayn were, "This isn't what it looks like, he didn't mean to hit m-"

"Kalila", I stopped at the stern, but thoughtful way he said my full first name.

"Go. With. Tom.", he said calmly.

"Kaly, get in the house, baby", Zayn said, equally as calm, never taking his eyes off of Harry.

Tom decided to try to smooth things, "Listen man, we're neighbors", he held his hands up, "We just want to make sure that this girl here isn't in a dangerous situation, we just want to help", he pleaded.

"A dangerous-" Zayn started, but I cut in.

"Stop.", I raised my voice, "I'm going to make this a whole lot easier", I said, then pointed to Zayn, "You, go inside", pointing to Harry and Tom, "You two, go back to Tom's".

I fished my keys out of my purse and held them up, "I'm leaving. Alone."

I walked down the stairs, onto the beach, then toward my Jeep, parked at the side of Zayn's house.

I heard Harry and Tom making their way down the stairs and heard Harry call out to me, but I quickened my pace.

This whole scene needed to be over.

The next thing I heard was Zayn opening his front door and he called out to me too, so I ran.

Before either of them could reach me, I started the engine and drove off.

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