Every Corner Calling Out Your Name

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I had a lot of work to catch up on and needed a couple of hours of uninterrupted time in my office.

As I was reading through what looked like an endless amount of paperwork about my property insurance, out of the corner of my eye, the screen on my phone lit up, telling me someone was calling, yet again.

I put my ring on silent and when I saw the screen light up, I'd check to see who was calling.
If it was someone I knew who could wait, I let it go to voicemail.

I looked and saw Cheryl's name appear on the screen and scrambled to answer it.

She'd been on my mind since I left her with her boyfriend, Liam, in a "roofied up" state last night after we got back from Zayn's house.

I'd decided what to try next in order to get the last existing copies of the photographs and I needed Cheryl's help.

I grabbed my phone and answered.

"Cheryl", I said, seriously.
"Yeah! Hey!", Cheryl greeted me.

She sounded like she was full of energy.
Cheerful, almost.

This was the last way I thought she'd sound like after the night she had last night and the morning she probably had with Liam this morning.

Cheryl and Liam for sure have talked by now
And he had that ring
Maybe he forgave her
Maybe they're engaged now

"I've been calling you", I stated the obvious.

"Yeah, I know, sorry. My friend Ellie is over and we've had a lot to talk about", Cheryl said and I could hear her smile through her voice.

I wondered how it went with Liam, but that's their business.

"Cheryl? I maybe have about an hour or two of work left to do. Once I'm done, we need to meet up. Where will you be?"

"I'll be home the rest of the day", she answered.

"Alright. I'll come over when I finish up, okay? I have an idea about how to get the last copies of the photographs"

"See you then", she said and ended the call.

I put my phone down and looked at it for a second, replaying our brief conversation over again.

Cheryl didn't sound like a hungover as hell, heartbroken individual.
She sounded....good.

What the hell is going on with her
Maybe she's still drunk


"Lila, the spa's closing in fifteen minutes. Have you heard from Zayn?", Gwen asked, pausing from explaining Niall and Theo's history to me.

Before I could answer, her phone chimed and she picked it up.
"Niall", she told me, then answered.

"Hey", she said into her phone, then, "No, we're still here"

I tugged the sleeve of her robe and she looked over at me.

"Spend the night!", I whisper yelled to her, "You are not leaving me hanging!", I gripped her robe, pleading for her to tell me the rest of the story.

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